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Date: 07-24-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Felix Urrutia

Case Number: 1:23-cr-00098

Judge: Paul J. Barbardoro

Court: The United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire (Merrimack Count)

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office for Concord

Defendant's Attorney:

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Concord, New Hampshire criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine

Rochester Man Sentenced to 84 Months in Federal Prison for Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine

Felix Urrutia, 51, was a large-volume methamphetamine dealer in the Rochester area. His disregard for the welfare of others by pumping poison into the community was exacerbated by his possession of a firearm.

“Like other drug traffickers, Felix Urrutia had no regard for the harm he caused in his community,” said Jodi Cohen, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Boston Division. “Getting dangerous drugs like methamphetamine off the street, and illegal firearms out of criminals’ hands, is a step toward making New Hampshire safer. The FBI’s Major Offender Task Force will continue to work on behalf of all the good, law-abiding folks who live here.”

On four occasions between July and October 2023, Ms. Cahill supplied methamphetamine to Mr. Urrutia, who then sold the methamphetamine to a confidential source. The total amount of the methamphetamine sold by the defendant was approximately 238 grams. Investigators uncovered the conspiracy through surveillance of Ms. Cahill, who left her home and met with Mr. Urrutia prior to drug transactions between Mr. Urrutia and the confidential source. In November 2023, investigators executed a search warrant of Mr. Urrutia’s motel room and recovered a firearm. Mr. Urrutia sold the methamphetamine from that motel room during the investigation.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Major Offender Task Force led the investigation. The Major Offender Task Force is comprised of federal agents partnered with law enforcement officers from police departments state-wide. Valuable assistance was provided by the Dover and Rochester Police Departments, the Strafford County Sheriff’s Office, and the United States Marshals Service. Assistant U.S. Attorney Heather A. Cherniske prosecuted the case.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment

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