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Date: 07-24-2024

Case Style:

J&T Bellflower v. F. Marina Russman

Case Number: 21NWCV00065

Judge: John A. Torribio

Court: Superior Court, Los Angeles County,California

Plaintiff's Attorney:

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Defendant's Attorney:

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Los Angeles, California landlord and tenant lawyers represented Plaintiff and Defendant in a lease contract dispute.

By executing a written lease, F. Marina Russman, M.D., agreed to rent a medical suite from GC Property Associates, LLC (GC), for three years, beginning April 1, 2018. Dr. Russman stopped paying rent in April 2020. After the lease expired, J&T Bellflower, GC's successor-in-interest on the lease, sued Dr. Russman to recover unpaid rent and fees.

Outcome: Following a trial, a jury rendered a unanimous verdict in favor of J&T Bellflower, finding: (1) J&T Bellflower performed its obligations under the lease, including those required under the covenant of quiet enjoyment; (2) Dr. Russman breached the lease by failing to pay rent and other fees due under its terms; (3) J&T Bellflower was harmed by Dr. Russman's failure to make the required payments; and (4) J&T Bellflower sustained $38,599.20 in damages. Subsequently, the trial court entered judgment for J&T Bellflower.

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