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Date: 07-24-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Leon Blount III

Case Number: 1:23-cr-10011

Judge: Allison D. Burroughs

Court: The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (Suffolk County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office in Boston

Defendant's Attorney:

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Boston, Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Trafficking a Minor Victim in Three States

Boston Man Sentenced to Over 11 Years in Prison for Trafficking a Minor Victim in Three States

"Leon Blount, III< found a young woman in a vulnerable situation and lured her far from home into a dangerous and exploitative lifestyle for his financial benefit. Today’s sentence means Blount is now facing over a decade in federal prison and he’ll be off the streets and out of the community where he caused so much harm,” said Special Agent in Charge Michael J. Krol for Homeland Security Investigations in New England. “We hope this significant sentence brings a measure of justice to those he victimized. Human traffickers use isolation, threats, and financial exploitation to control their victims, making it incredibly difficult to leave – but there is hope and there is help available. We are grateful to the law enforcement and victim support services who worked together to bring this case to a close.”

Between July and August 2022, Blount transported a 17-year-old victim, Jane Doe 2, from Massachusetts to New York and Connecticut to engage in commercial sex for his financial benefit. Blount met Jane Doe 2 while she was living at a Massachusetts group home for transitional age adolescents. He gave her alcohol and marijuana, and quickly recruited Jane Doe 2 to travel out-of-state to engage in commercial sex. While in New York, Blount directed Jane Doe 2 to solicit sex buyers in an area that is known for commercial sex. Throughout this period, Blount stayed in close contact with Jane Doe 2, using text messages to ensure that she continued to perform sex acts when he was not physically present. To attract more sex buyers, Blount caused Jane Doe 2’s photo to be posted on websites that advertise commercial sex. He then put Jane Doe 2 in hotel rooms in Woburn, Mass. and Hartford, Conn. where he directed her to perform sex acts with buyers to earn even more money for him. During this period, Jane Doe 2 was afraid of Blount, having seen him laugh at another trafficker who used violence against one of that trafficker’s victims.

“Human trafficking is not just a horrific crime; it is a profound violation of human dignity. The unimaginable harm inflicted upon the minor victim here is far too prevalent in our communities,” said Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy. “Our Civil Rights Unit & Human Trafficking Unit, established less than two years ago, remains committed to bringing traffickers to justice, providing unwavering support to survivors and relentlessly pursuing those who exploit the most vulnerable.”

If you or someone you know may be impacted or experiencing commercial sex trafficking please visit for information and resources.

Acting U.S. Attorney Levy and HSI SAC Krol made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian A. Fogerty of the Civil Rights & Human Trafficking Unit prosecuted the case.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 136 months in prison, followed by five years of supervised release. The court also ordered Blount to pay restitution to victims totaling $214,500

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