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Date: 08-12-2024

Case Style:

United States of America v. Claudio Poles

Case Number: 1:24-cr-10118

Judge: Indira Talwani

Court: The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (Suffolk County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: The United States Attorney’s Office in Boston

Defendant's Attorney:

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cty, st criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant charged with Filing False Tax Returns

Co-Owner of Mattapan Plumbing and Heating Supply Company Sentenced for Filing False Tax Returns

Claudio Poles, 78, of Dorchester, failed to accurately disclose the company’s gross business receipts to its tax preparer, who prepared the company’s tax returns using the false information Poles provided. Poles then used some of the unreported gross receipts to purchase more than $10 million of gold and silver bars for himself from bullion dealers. To conceal the nature of the purchases he made from the company’s bank accounts, Poles described the purchases in the memo section of the checks, as being for boilers, materials and other plumbing and heating supplies.

Between 2019 and 2022, Poles falsely reported losses on his individual tax returns and omitted personal income that he received from the business by purchasing the gold and silver bars.

Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy and Harry Chavis, Jr., Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigations in Boston made the announcement. Assistant U.S. Attorney Mackenzie A. Queenin of the Securities, Financial & Cyber Fraud Unit prosecuted the case.


Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to our months in prison and one year of supervised release. Poles was also ordered to pay a fine of $200,000 and $2,961,261 in restitution. I

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