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Date: 03-30-2004

Case Style: Zoltar Satellite Alarm Systems v. QUALCOMM Incorporated and SnapTrack Inc.

Case Number: 01-CV-20291

Judge: James Ware

Court: United States District Court for the Northern District of California

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Richard P. Doyle, Jr. of Janssen Doyle LLP, Lafayette, California

Defendant's Attorney:

Robert T. Haslam of Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe, Menlo Park, California; David E. Kleinfeld and Barry J. Tucker of Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe, LLP, San Diego, California

Description: Zoltar claimed that QUALCOMM's and SnapTrack's position location technology infringed three patents issued to Zoltar relating to how to determine the location of the caller making an E-911 emergency telephone call using a cellular phone.

Defedants denied infringement.

Outcome: An eight-person jury issued a unanimous defense verdict in favor of QUALCOMM and its wholly owned subsidiary SnapTrack Inc., on six of the seven claims at issue in a patent infringement lawsuit filed against them by Zoltar Satellite Alarm Systems. The jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict on the one remaining patent claim, QUALCOMM and SnapTrack have filed a motion for judgement as a matter of law on the remaining claim.

Plaintiff's Experts: Unavailable

Defendant's Experts: Unavailable

Comments: None

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