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Date: 01-26-2007

Case Style: Gary Jordan v. Peter Duncombe, et al.

Case Number: Unknown

Judge: Unknown

Court: Superior Court, Somerset County, Maine

Plaintiff's Attorney: Unknown

Defendant's Attorney: Unknown


Gary Jordan sued Peter Duncombe, et al. claiming that 17 current and former property owners trespassed on his property by crossing through a stone wall to access their properties off Town Landing Road in St. Albans, Maine. Plaintiff claimed that defendants had illegally cut through the stone wall to access their lots on other side. The Town Landing Road runs over a right-of-way between Route 43 and Big Indian Lake originally granted to the town in 1963. Jordan claimed he still controlled a sliver of land from the base of the wall to its center, which could not be crossed without his permission. Jordan purchased his property in 1988 and claimed that he acquired the right-of-way to a number of other properties. A dispute arose between Jordan and others over his claim that he owned the right-of-way to their properties. The town elected to clear the title and right-of-way issues by eminent domain, which Jordan opposed. Duncombe purchased his property accessable via the right-of-way and built a home and self storage facility accessable only via property claimed by Jordan.

Outcome: Defendants' verdict.

Plaintiff's Experts: Unknown

Defendant's Experts: Unknown

Comments: None

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