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Date: 10-06-2007

Case Style: Family and Estate of Juan "Johnny" Salazar v. City of Chicago

Case Number: Unknown

Judge: Unknown

Court: Circuit Court, Cook County, Illinois

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Donald Shapiro, Law Offices of Donald A. Shapiro, Chicago

Defendant's Attorney: Unknown


Family and Estate of Juan "Johnny" Salazar sued the City of Chicago on a civil rights for the wrongful death of their son, who was fatally shot by Chicago police officer Rafael Balbontin. Salazar, age 14, and Edgar Naranjo tried to rob Salazar's parents but were confronted in the process by Balbontin's father wielding a mop and by Officer Balbontin wielding a pistol issued to him by the City of Chicago. Balbontin fired eight shots the fleeing robbers, hitting Salazar in the shoulder and back, the accomplice and his father. Balbontin claimed that he thought that Salazar and his accomplice were armed. The accomplish was tried and convicted on a felony murder charge. Balbontin was also later charged and convicted of killing his wife. The Chicago Police Department investigation of the incident found Balbontin to have acted within department guidelines in firing his weapon at the fleeing robbers.

The City of Chicago denied wrongdoing.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $5 million with a finding that Salazar was 20% at fault in causing his own death.

Plaintiff's Experts:

Dr. Michael Baden, forensic pathologist, New York, New York; Tom Givens, Firearms, Memphis, Tennessee; and James O'Keefe, police procedures, New York, New York

Defendant's Experts: Unknown

Comments: None

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