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Date: 10-14-2012

Case Style: Emily Gallup v. Nevada County, California

Case Number: 2011-00106805


Court: Superior Court, Sacramento County, California

Plaintiff's Attorney: M. Catherine Jones

Defendant's Attorney:

Description: Former Nevada County, California Family Court mediator Emily Gallup sued the Superior Court, Nevada County, California, Sean Metroka, and Thea Palmiere on a whistleblower retaliation theory claiming that she was harmed when she was fired after reporting that the court was not following state laws in its operation. She claimed that she was fired for asking questions and challenging the operation of the family law court.

According to The Union: "Gallup’s concerns included a dispute over whether criminal records could be accessed in some cases; the time allowed for mediation; reviewing of the court files; collateral contacts; separate mediation in domestic violence cases; and whether then-Family Court Judge Julie McManus exerted undue influence in custody cases by referencing a photo of a child who committed suicide."

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $313,206.00

Plaintiff's Experts:

Defendant's Experts:


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