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Date: 01-24-2013

Case Style: William Hernandez v. Metropolitan Transit Authority

Case Number:


Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Harris County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Spencer Dunn

Defendant's Attorney:

Description: William Hernandez sued Metropolitan Transit Authority on a civil rights violation claiming that Metro Trans police supervisors retaliated against them when he complained about his attempts to earn a promotion.

At issue in the dispute was William Hernandez's May 2009 efforts to move up from patrolman to rangemaster for the department, a division of Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County. Hernandez claimed age and race discrimination, as well as alleging retaliation by his Metro superiors for challenging their choice for the promotion.

The federal jury on Friday unanimously determined that Hernandez was not a victim of discrimination, but that superiors did retaliate when he challenged the hiring process.

The position would not have paid Hernandez more, but would have been a promotion to a training officer level and a stepping stone to the rank of sergeant, said his lawyer, Spencer Dunn.

Hernandez, now 53, remains a Metro patrolman despite repeated attempts to become a sergeant.

The defenses asserted by the defendants are not available.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $55,000 in compensatory damages and $250,000 in punitive damages.

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