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Date: 04-26-2013

Case Style: Thomas Dugas, et al. v. Northeast Carriers, et al.

Case Number: HHD-CV-08-6026556-S


Court: Superior Court, Hartford County, Connecticut

Plaintiff's Attorney: Matthew Shafner, Peter Bartinik, Sr., Shelley L. Graves, Dina Fisher, Carl Secola,

Defendant's Attorney: Mark Kundla and Paul Daly for Northeast Carriers, LLC

Christine M. DeFilippo for James F. Holloway

Description: The Estate of Lu-Ann Dugas and others sued Northeast Carriers and Estates of Peter Derry Northeast's driver on an auto negligence wrongful death theory claiming that Ms. Dugas and Fred Held were killed and James Clark, Samira Clough and Lunn Mariani were severely injured as a direct result of a car truck accident caused by an Perry, age 51, that occurred in I-95 in Hartford County, Connecticut in 2007. Perry was allegedly racing with another truck when the Northeast semi-tractor trailer tanker jumped the median near the I-395 interchange and crashed into the cars in which plaintiffs or their relatives were passengers.

Ms. Dugas, who was returning from a medical appointment, was crushed by the roof of her car, according to testimony, and died at the scene.

Fred Held of Milford, who died in his Honda Accord.

James Clark, age 27, suffered extensive injuries, including foot, leg and rib fractures, a back injury and head trauma.

Samira Clough, a teacher, suffered a cracked vertebrae and a foot injury. She was forced into early retirement by her injuries.

Lynn Mariani, another teacher, was carpooling with Clough to a teacher's workshop.

Northeast admitted fault on the part of its driver but claimed some of the fault should be attributed to the driver of the other semi.

Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdict for $15.7 million including:

$5,575,000 to James Clark, the 27-year-old driver of the southbound tractor-trailer, who suffered extensive injuries, including foot, leg and rib fractures, a back injury and head trauma.

$2,218,000 to Samira Clough of Mystic, a teacher who suffered a cracked vertebrae and a foot injury and who was forced into early retirement.

$1,069,500 to Lynn Mariani, another teacher who was carpooling with Clough to a teacher's workshop.

$3,673,100 to the estate of Lu-Ann Dugas .

$3,210,000 to the estate of Fred Held of Milford, who died in his Honda Accord.

--$50,000 to South Bay Trucking, the owners of the tractor-trailer that Clark was driving.

Plaintiff's Experts:

Defendant's Experts:


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