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Date: 04-18-2013

Case Style: Linda Tengan Stoothoff v. Red Rock Behavior Health

Case Number: CJ-2012-5113

Judge: Bill Graves

Court: District Court, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

Plaintiff's Attorney: Linda Tengan Stoothoff, pro se

Defendant's Attorney: Steven E. Holden and Kelly A. Hensley

Description: 1, The Defendant failed and refused to give any documents regarding Plaintiffs Rights on both stays according to State Law. A booklet was finally given on a Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at2:00 pm, 5 days after I arrived to all patients, including me (Plaintiff). Whereas the booklet and other documents on Patient’s Rrights were to be given at the time of admittance. Exhibit “J”

Violation of State Law & Negligence
2. Violation of Plaintiffs rights, The Defendant failed to have any postings of Patient’s Rights according to state law on the walls of the facflity. 11/1/2011 It was stated when Plaintiff questioned why there was NO postings and the response was that the walls were painted. Exhibit ‘i”
Violation of State Law & Negligence
3. Violation of Plaintiffs right to be treated with dignity and respect was not provided. Defendant had confrontations, wouldn’t let Plaintiff eat. Spoke to other patients with smart remarks about my medical condition, and more. Exhibit ‘3’
Violation of State Law & Negligence
4. Violation of Plaintiffs rights by Defendants to receive services suited to Plaintiffs medical condition in a safe humane treatment regardless of Disability. Plaintiff was not provided the medicine necessary to Plaintiffs condition. Plaintiff was told by Defendants that “sorry you have to wait to see a Doctor and that would not be until Monday 4 days after being there. I the Plaintiff and my husband Mattthew Stoothoff pleaded with them to get a Doctor I need my proper medicine. Plaintiff has additional issues with this violation by the Defendants. No Doctors, Therapist, or Counselors were available although requested by Plaintiff during the time of Plaintiffs stay. Exhibit “J”
Violation of State Law & Negligence
5. Violation of Plaintiffs rights by Defendant was the right to be provided appropriate treatment and may consent or refuse to provide food in the unit to Plaintiff was and was threatened by the Administrator who is not a therapist, Doctor, or Counselor. Defendants said that if Plaintiff did not go to cafeteria, which Plaintiff has agoraphobia of being around groups of people, that Plaintiff would not be allowed visitors which according to state law, visitation cannot be denied however, because Plaintiff did not have a copy of Plaintiffs rights Plaintiffs believed the nurse and administrator and attempted to go to the cafeteria as a result and by having a serious panic attacks for which the nurse refused to treat. See “1”, Exhibit “i”

Violation of State Law & Negligence
6. Violation of Plaintiffs rights to file grievances without retaliation. Defendants took Plaintiff to a private room and threatened Plaintiff that Plaintiff better not name them as the ones who threatened defendant because they would go after Plaintiff for “slander”. Additional threating manner and conversation took place at that time. After that meeting, Plaintiffs blood pressure was done and was at 188. Plaintiff asked for treatment to reduce blood pressure and was refused because Plainitff was being discharged and there was no point. See Exhibits “1”, “i”
Negligence by Admitting Doctor
7. Pending letter from Dr. Richard Zielinshki. Plaintiff was not provided proper medication due to Plaintiffs medical treatment for which Defendants had a copy and shown all medicine that Plaintiff was to take. The admitting Doctors were informed of the Plaintiffs medical condition however failed to provide the medicine necessary. Admitting Doctor had a copy of Plaintiffs Medical Card as well as provided the original during the visit. Doctor chose not to medicate Plaintiff for Plaintiff’s condition, and gave only a low dose of an anxiety medicine for Plaintiffs condition.
Violation of State Law & Negligence
8. Violation of Plaintiffs rights to receive treatment in the least restrictive environment and movement consistent with Plaintiffs medical condition was violated by the Defendants. Due to not being provided with the proper medication for the Plaintiffs agoraphobia and panic medicine, Depression Medication, and more. Plaintiff was restricted to the room for fear of being around others. When Plaintiff asked tor food was told NO your not eating in the unit you need to be out with everyone else, the Defendants knew of Plaintiffs meaical condition but, failed to assist as necessary. See Exhibit “i”, “1”

Violation of State Law & Negligence
9. Plaintiff filed a grievance for which NO retaliation was to occur. Exhibit “A” . Defendant mailed “Corrective Action” for which Defendant repeatedly lied regarding to Pie complaint filed against the Plaintiff by the Defendant. A return response was made by Defendant. See Exhibit “B” Exhibit “J”
Violation of State Law & Negligence
10. Violation of Plaintiffs rights, by Defendant that Plaintiff has the right to retain all rights, benefits and privileges guaranteed bylaw. Plaintiff was not allowed to see a doctor for S days on the 2 visit and 4 days on the 1st visit to discuss the medicine necessary for the Plaintiffs medical condition. There were no therapist available available to patients. The administrator and the nurse made the decision to force me to the cafeteria knowing it would cause me harm. I was not there for Therapy and nor the administrator are licensed therapist.
Violation of State Law & Negligence
11. Violation of Plaintiffs rights, by Defendant after signing a document allowing my husband Matthew Stoothoff to be the advocate and participate in treatment plan was denied by Defendants. Plaintiffs husband Matthew Stoothoff was told to be at the facility at 10:00 am. He (Matthew Stoothoff) was told to come back at 3:30 pm. My husband Matthew Stoothoff complied and came back to the facility then was told by the administrator that the Plaintiff contacted Legal because they never had anyone requested an advocate before and that the Administrator (Defendant) and told Plaintiffs husband that he was not allowed to participation. See Exhibit “k”
Declaration of Linda Tengan Stoothoff (Plaintiff) the above foregoing is true and accurate
and Exhibits are true copies of originals provide herein.
1. I am pending Doctor Richard Zielinski to show that you never take a medicine off a patient. You gradually take them off of the medice.

2. Exhibit “8” is a true copy of the Client Formal Complaint again outlining some of the issues I (Plaintiff) was having.
3. Exhibit “C” is a true copy of the Designation of a Treatment Advocate for which I signed on my (Plaintiff) first visit for which my (Plaintiff) husband Matthew Stoothoff and was denied the right to participate in my (Plaintiff) plan with the Doctors and other associates.
4. Exhibit “D” is a true copy of the letter from Red Rock regarding the grievance I (Plaintiff) filed.
5. Exhibit “E” is a true copy of the letter to Red Rock after receiving a response from them regarding there “corrective action” to my (Plaintiff) grievance that was filed by me P1 a i ntitff.
6. Exhibit “F” is a true copy of the letter for which I (Plaintiff) receive indicating there was no wrong doing by Red Rock the Defendant.
7. Exhibit “C” is a true copy of a letter I (Plaintiff) returned to ODMHSAS following the letter from the Defendant stating no wrong doing.
8. Exhibit “H” is a true copy of the email I (Plaintiff) filed grievance with ODHMSAS following my (Plaintiff) 2nd visit which is more detailed to the events and wrong doing on the Part of the Defendant.
9. Exhibit “1” is a true copy of Patients statements.
10. Exhibit “i” is a true copy of state laws that were violated by the Plaintiffs.
Defendant shall have 30 days to respond, any unanswered responses is deemed to be true.
The Plaintiff has shown cause of action to continue this matter thru the courts. That this Plaintiff respectively ask for such other and further Punitive relief from Defendants as may be just and equitable. Plaintiff respectfully asks for damages in the amount of $2,000,000.00 (two million dollars) and or more as the court deem appropriate in punitive damages due to the hardship, violations, negligence, lack of medicine, and mental anguish,. Attorney fees and legal fees, and reimbursement of insurance paid to the facility during my (Plaintiff) stay.
The above following is true and accurate under penalty of perjury.

Outcome: On the 18th day of April, 2013, comes on hearing before this Court Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss. Plaintiff Pro Se failed to appear. Defendant appeared by counsel Kelly A. Hensley.

It is hereby Ordered, Adjudged, and Decreed that Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss GRANTED pursuant to 12 O.S. §19 and this matter has been dismissed without

Plaintiff's Experts:

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