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Date: 10-17-2013

Case Style: John Mooney v. Atlantic City, New Jersey

Case Number:


Court: Superior Court, Atlantic County, New Jersey

Plaintiff's Attorney: John Donnelly

Defendant's Attorney: Robert Tarver for Langford and Peterson

Description: Former Atlantic City Police Chief John Mooney sued the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey on a retaliation theory claiming that he was demoted after trying to blow the whistle on misconduct. He claimed that the City violated New Jersey's whistleblower protection provisions when it sought to demote him. Mooney retired in 2004 after 37 years of service.

Plaintiff also claimed that Mayor Lorenzo Langford and then-Public Safety Director Christine Peterson were involved in the decisions.

Langford and Peterson denied wrongdoing

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $3 million including $815,476 to fulfill the terms of his contract that ended December 31,2 012, and more than $2.7 million he would have eared had he worked until reaching his retirement date.

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