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Date: 12-11-2013

Case Style: Thomas Ventura v. East Haven Police Department

Case Number:


Court: Superior Court, New Haven County, Connecticut

Plaintiff's Attorney: Michael Stratton

Defendant's Attorney: Hugh F. Keefe

Description: Thomas Ventura sued East Haven Police Department on a governmental tort claim theory claiming to have been injured and/or damaged in a car wreck in 2006 caused by when he was hit while walking by a white cargo ban driven by Vladimir Trinka. Trinka had been taken home rather than being arrested for DUI by police officers.

Immediately after being delivered home, Trlnka immediately re-entered his vehicle and drove away at a high speed hitting the Plaintiff.

Plaintiff claimed that the officers involved treated Trinka differently because of their relationship with him and that other citizens would not have been treated so.

The defendants claimed that their decision not to two Trinka's vehicle was a discretionary act.

Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $12.6.

Plaintiff's Experts:

Defendant's Experts:


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