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Date: 05-27-2014

Case Style: Wood v. Moss

Case Number: 13-115

Judge: Ginsburg

Court: Supreme Court of the United States

Plaintiff's Attorney:

Defendant's Attorney:

Description: While campaigning for a second term, President George W. Bush was scheduled to spend the night at a Jacksonville, Oregon, cottage. Local law enforcement officials permitted a group of Bush supporters and a group of protesters to assemble on opposite sides of a streetalong the President’s motorcade route. When the President made a last-minute decision to have dinner at the outdoor patio area of theJacksonville Inn’s restaurant before resuming the drive to the cottage, the protesters moved to an area in front of the Inn, which placed them within weapons range of the President. The supportersremained in their original location, where a two-story building blocked sight of, and weapons access to, the patio. At the direction of two Secret Service agents responsible for the President’s security, petitioners here (the agents), local police cleared the area where the protesters had gathered, eventually moving them two blocks away to a street beyond weapons reach of the President. The agents did not require the guests already inside the Inn to leave, stay clear of thepatio, or go through a security screening. After the President dined, his motorcade passed the supporters, but the protesters, now two blocks from the motorcade’s route, were beyond his sight and hearing.The protesters sued the agents for damages, alleging that theagents engaged in viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment when they moved the protesters away from the Inn but allowed the supporters to remain in their original location. The District Court denied the agents’ motion to dismiss the suit for failure to state a claim and on qualified immunity grounds, but on interlocutory appeal, the Ninth Circuit reversed. The court held that the protesters had failed to state a First Amendment claim under the plead2
ing standards of Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U. S. 544, and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U. S. 662. Because those decisions were rendered after the protesters commenced suit, the Court of Appeals granted leave to amend the complaint. On remand, the protesterssupplemented the complaint with allegations that the agents actedpursuant to an unwritten Secret Service policy of working with the Bush White House to inhibit the expression of disfavored views at presidential appearances. The District Court denied the agents’ renewed motion to dismiss. This time, the Ninth Circuit affirmed, concluding that viewpoint-driven conduct on the agents’ part could be inferred from the absence of a legitimate security rationale for the different treatment accorded the two groups of demonstrators. The Court of Appeals further held that the agents were not entitled toqualified immunity because this Court’s precedent made clear thatthe Government may not regulate speech based on its content.
Held: The agents are entitled to qualified immunity. Pp. 11–18.
(a) Government officials may not exclude from public places persons engaged in peaceful expressive activity solely because the government actor fears, dislikes, or disagrees with the views expressed.See, e.g., Police Dept. of Chicago v. Mosley, 408 U. S. 92, 96. The fundamental right to speak, however, does not leave people at liberty topublicize their views “ ‘whenever and however and wherever theyplease.’ ” United States v. Grace, 461 U. S. 171, 177. In decidingwhether the protesters have alleged violation of a clearly establishedFirst Amendment right, this Court assumes without deciding that Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U. S. 388, which involved alleged Fourth Amendment violations, extends to FirstAmendment claims, see, e.g., Iqbal, 556 U. S., at 675.
The doctrine of qualified immunity protects government officialsfrom liability for civil damages “unless a plaintiff pleads facts showing (1) that the official violated a statutory or constitutional right, and (2) that the right was ‘clearly established’ at the time of the challenged conduct.” Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 563 U. S. ___, ___. The “dispositive inquiry . . . is whether it would [have been] clear to a reasonableofficer” in the agents’ position “that [their] conduct was unlawful in the situation [they] confronted.” Saucier v. Katz, 533 U. S. 194, 202. At the time of the Jacksonville incident, this Court had addressed a constitutional challenge to Secret Service actions only once. In Hunter v. Bryant, 502 U. S. 224, the plaintiff challenged the lawfulness of his arrest by two Secret Service agents for writing and delivering a letter about a plot to assassinate President Reagan. Holdingthat the agents were shielded by qualified immunity, the Court stated that “accommodation for reasonable error . . . is nowhere more important than when the specter of Presidential assassination is
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raised.” Id., at 229. This Court has recognized the overwhelming importance of safeguarding the President in other contexts as well. See Watts v. United States, 394 U. S. 705, 707. Mindful that officers may be faced with unanticipated security situations, the key question addressed is whether it should have been clear to the agents that the security perimeter they established violated the First Amendment.Pp. 11–13.
The protesters assert, and the Ninth Circuit agreed, that theagents violated clearly established federal law by denying them “equal access to the President.” No decision of which the Court is aware, however, would alert Secret Service agents engaged in crowdcontrol that they bear a First Amendment obligation to make surethat groups with conflicting views are at all times in equivalent positions. Nor would the maintenance of equal access make sense in the situation the agents here confronted, where only the protesters, not the supporters, had a direct line of sight to the patio where the President was dining. The protesters suggest that the agents could havemoved the supporters out of the motorcade’s range as well, but there would have been no security rationale for such a move. Pp. 13–15.
The protesters allege that, in directing their displacement, the agents acted not to ensure the President’s safety, but to insulate thePresident from their message. These allegations are undermined bya map of the area, which shows that, because of the protesters’ location, they posed a potential security risk to the President, while the supporters, because of their location, did not. The protesters’ counterarguments are unavailing. They urge that, had the agents’ professed interest in the President’s safety been sincere, the agents would have screened or removed from the premises persons alreadyat the Inn when the President arrived. But staff, other diners, and Inn guests were on the premises before the agents knew of the President’s plans, and thus could not have anticipated seeing the President, no less causing harm to him. The agents also could keep a close watch on the relatively small number of people already inside the Inn, surveillance that would have been impossible for the hundreds ofpeople outside the Inn. A White House manual directs the President’s advance team to “work with the Secret Service . . . to designatea protest area . . . preferably not in view of the event site or motorcade route.” The manual guides the conduct of the political advanceteam, not the Secret Service, whose own written guides explicitlyprohibit “agents from discriminating between anti-government andpro-government demonstrators.” Even assuming, as the protestersmaintain, that other agents, at other times and places, have assistedin shielding the President from political speech, this case is scarcely one in which the agents lacked a valid security reason for their ac4
tions. Moreover, because individual government officials “cannot beheld liable” in a Bivens suit “unless they themselves acted [unconstitutionally],” Iqbal, 556 U. S., at 683, this Court declines to infer from alleged instances of misconduct on the part of particular agents anunwritten Secret Service policy to suppress disfavored expression,and then attribute that supposed policy to all field-level operatives.Pp. 15–18.
711 F. 3d 941, reversed.
GINSBURG, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.
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NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in thepreliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested tonotify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in orderthat corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press.
No. 13–115
[May 27, 2014]
JUSTICE GINSBURG delivered the opinion of the Court.
This case concerns a charge that two Secret Serviceagents, in carrying out their responsibility to protect the President, engaged in unconstitutional viewpoint-baseddiscrimination. The episode in suit occurred in Jacksonville, Oregon, on the evening of October 14, 2004. President George W. Bush, campaigning in the area for a second term, was scheduled to spend the evening at a cottagein Jacksonville. With permission from local law enforcement officials, two groups assembled on opposite sides of the street on which the President’s motorcade was to travel to reach the cottage. One group supported thePresident, the other opposed him.
The President made a last-minute decision to stop in town for dinner before completing the drive to the cottage.His motorcade therefore turned from the planned routeand proceeded to the outdoor patio dining area of theJacksonville Inn’s restaurant. Learning of the routechange, the protesters moved down the sidewalk to the area in front of the Inn. The President’s supporters remained across the street and about a half block away from
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the Inn. At the direction of the Secret Service agents,state and local police cleared the block on which the Inn was located and moved the protesters some two blocksaway to a street beyond handgun or explosive reach of the President. The move placed the protesters a block fartheraway from the Inn than the supporters.
Officials are sheltered from suit, under a doctrine known as qualified immunity, when their conduct “does not violate clearly established . . . constitutional rights” areasonable official, similarly situated, would have comprehended. Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U. S. 800, 818 (1982). The First Amendment, our precedent makes plain, disfavors viewpoint-based discrimination. See Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of Univ. of Va., 515 U. S. 819, 828 (1995). But safeguarding the President is also of overwhelming importance in our constitutional system. See Watts v. United States, 394 U. S. 705, 707 (1969) (per curiam). Faced with the President’s sudden decision to stop for dinner, the Secret Service agents had to cope with a security situation not earlier anticipated. No decision of this Court so much as hinted that their on-the-spot action was unlawful because they failed to keep the protesters and supporters, throughout the episode, equidistant fromthe President.
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled otherwise. It found dispositive of the agents’ motion to dismiss “the considerable disparity in the distance each group was allowed to stand from the Presiden[t].” Moss v. United States Secret Serv., 711 F. 3d 941, 946 (2013). Because no “clearly established law” so controlled the agents’ response to the motorcade’s detour, wereverse the Ninth Circuit’s judgment.
I A On October 14, 2004, after a nearby campaign appearCite
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ance, President George W. Bush was scheduled to spendthe night at a cottage in Jacksonville, Oregon. Anticipating the visit, a group of individuals, including respondents (the protesters), organized a demonstration to express their opposition to the President and his policies. At around 6:00 p.m. on the evening the President’s motorcadewas expected to pass through the town, between 200 and300 protesters gathered in Jacksonville, on CaliforniaStreet between Third and Fourth Streets. See infra, at 4 (map depicting the relevant area in Jacksonville). The gathering had been precleared with local law enforcementauthorities. On the opposite side of Third Street, a similarly sized group of individuals (the supporters) assembled to show their support for the President. If, as planned, themotorcade had traveled down Third Street to reach the cottage, with no stops along the way, the protesters andsupporters would have had equal access to the President throughout in delivering their respective messages.
This situation was unsettled when President Bush made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stop for dinner at the Jacksonville Inn before proceeding to the cottage. The Inn stands on the north side of California Street, on the block where the protesters had assembled. Learning of thePresident’s change in plans, the protesters moved along the block to face the Inn. The respective positions of theprotesters and supporters at the time the President arrived at the Inn are shown on the following map, which the protesters attached as an exhibit to their complaint:1
—————— 1App. to Brief for Petitioners (Diagram A).
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As the map indicates, the protesters massed on thesidewalk directly in front of the Inn, while the supporters remained assembled on the block west of Third Street,
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some distance from the Inn. The map also shows an alleyrunning along the east side of the Inn (the CaliforniaStreet alley) leading to an outdoor patio used by the Inn’s restaurant as a dining area. A six-foot high wooden fencesurrounded the patio. At the location where the President’s supporters gathered, a large two-story building, the
U. S. Hotel, extended north around the corner of California and Third Streets. That structure blocked sight of,and weapons access to, the patio from points on CaliforniaStreet west of the Inn.
Petitioners are two Secret Service agents (the agents)responsible for the President’s security during the Jacksonville visit. Shortly after 7:00 p.m. on the evening in question, the agents enlisted the aid of local police officersto secure the area for the President’s unexpected stop atthe Inn. Following the agents’ instructions, the localofficers first cleared the alley running from Third Street to the patio (the Third Street alley), which the President’smotorcade would use to access the Inn. The officers then cleared Third Street north of California Street, as well as the California Street alley.
At around 7:15 p.m., the President arrived at the Inn. As the motorcade entered the Third Street alley, both setsof demonstrators were equally within the President’s sightand hearing. When the President reached the outdoor patio dining area, the protesters stood on the sidewalk directly in front of the California Street alley, exhibiting signs and chanting slogans critical of the President andhis policies. In view of the short distance between California Street and the patio, the protesters no longer contest that they were then within weapons range of the President. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 3–4, 35, 39–40; Brief for Petitioners 44.
Approximately 15 minutes later, the agents directed theofficers to clear the protesters from the block in front of the Inn and move them to the east side of Fourth Street.
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From their new location, the protesters were roughly the same distance from the President as the supporters. But unlike the supporters, whose sight and access were obstructed by the U. S. Hotel, only a parking lot separated the protesters from the patio. The protesters thus remained within weapons range of, and had a direct line of sight to, the President’s location. This sight line is illustrated by the broken arrow marked on the map below.2
—————— 2This map appears as an appendix to the agents’ opening brief. See App. to Brief for Petitioners (Diagram B). Except for the arrow, Diagram B is identical to the map included in the protesters’ complaint.
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After another 15 minutes passed, the agents directedthe officers again to move the protesters, this time one block farther away from the Inn, to the east side of Fifth
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Street. The relocation was necessary, the agents told thelocal officers, to ensure that no demonstrator would be “within handgun or explosive range of the President.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 177a. The agents, however, did notrequire the guests already inside the Inn to leave, stay clear of the patio, or go through any security screening.The supporters at all times retained their original locationon the west side of Third Street.
After the President dined, the motorcade left the Inn bytraveling south on Third Street toward the cottage. On its way, the motorcade passed the President’s supporters.The protesters remained on Fifth Street, two blocks away from the motorcade’s route, thus beyond the President’ssight and hearing.
B The protesters sued the agents for damages in the U. S. District Court for the District of Oregon. The agents’actions, the complaint asserted, violated the protesters’ First Amendment rights by the manner in which the agents established a security perimeter around the President during his unscheduled stop for dinner. See Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U. S. 388 (1971) (recognizing claim for damages against federal agents forviolations of plaintiff ’s Fourth Amendment rights).3 Specifically, the protesters alleged that the agents engaged inviewpoint discrimination when they moved the protestersaway from the Inn, while allowing the supporters to remain in their original location.
The agents moved to dismiss the complaint on theground that the protesters’ allegations were insufficient to ——————
3The protesters’ complaint also asserted claims against local police officers for using excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment.Those claims were dismissed for failure to state a claim, see Moss v. United States Secret Serv., 711 F. 3d 941, 954 (CA9 2013), and are not at issue here.
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state a claim for violation of the First Amendment. The agents further maintained that they were sheltered byqualified immunity because the constitutional right alleged by the protesters was not clearly established.
The District Court denied the motion, see Moss v. United States Secret Serv., 2007 WL 2915608, *1, 20 (D Ore., Oct.7, 2007), but on interlocutory appeal,4 the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed. See Moss v. United States Secret Serv., 572 F. 3d 962 (2009). The facts allegedin the complaint, the Court of Appeals held, were insufficient to state a First Amendment claim under the pleadingstandards prescribed in Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U. S. 544 (2007), and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U. S. 662 (2009). 572 F. 3d, at 974–975.5 Because Twombly and Iqbal were decided after the protesters filed their complaint, however, the Ninth Circuit instructed the DistrictCourt to grant the protesters leave to amend. 572 F. 3d, at 972.
On remand, the protesters supplemented their complaint with allegations that the agents acted pursuant to an “actual but unwritten” Secret Service policy of “work[ing] with the White House under President Bush toeliminate dissent and protest from presidential appearances.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 184a. Relying on publishedmedia reports, the protesters’ amended complaint cited several instances in which other Secret Service agents allegedly engaged in conduct designed to suppress expression critical of President Bush at his public appearances.
—————— 4We have repeatedly “stressed the importance of resolving immunityquestions at the earliest possible stage [of the] litigation,” Hunter v. Bryant, 502 U. S. 224, 227 (1991) (per curiam). 5In ruling on a motion to dismiss, we have instructed, courts “musttake all of the factual allegations in the complaint as true,” but “are notbound to accept as true a legal conclusion couched as a factual allegation.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U. S. 662, 678 (2009) (internal quotation marks omitted).
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The amended complaint also included an excerpt from aWhite House manual instructing the President’s advance team to “work with the Secret Service and have them ask the local police department to designate a protest area where demonstrators can be placed; preferably not in viewof the event site or motorcade route.” Id., at 219a. See also id., at 183a.
The agents renewed their motion to dismiss the suit for failure to state a claim and on qualified immunitygrounds. The District Court denied the motion, holding that the complaint adequately alleged a violation of the First Amendment, and that the constitutional right asserted was clearly established. Moss v. United States Secret Serv., 750 F. Supp. 2d 1197, 1216–1228 (Ore. 2010). The agents again sought an interlocutory appeal.
This time, the Ninth Circuit affirmed, 711 F. 3d 941, satisfied that the amended pleading plausibly alleged thatthe agents “sought to suppress [the protesters’] politicalspeech” based on the viewpoint they expressed, id., at 958. Viewpoint-driven conduct, the Court of Appeals maintained, could be inferred from the absence of a legitimate security rationale for “the differential treatment” accordedthe two groups of demonstrators. See id., at 946. The Court of Appeals further held that the agents were not entitled to qualified immunity because this Court’s precedent “make[s] clear . . . ‘that the government may notregulate speech based on its substantive content or themessage it conveys.’” Id., at 963 (quoting Rosenberger, 515 U. S., at 828).
The agents petitioned for rehearing and rehearing enbanc, urging that the panel erred in finding the alleged constitutional violation clearly established. Over the dissent of eight judges, the Ninth Circuit denied the enbanc petition. See 711 F. 3d, at 947 (O’Scannlain, J.,dissenting from denial of rehearing en banc). We grantedcertiorari. 571 U. S. ___ (2013).
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It is uncontested and uncontestable that governmentofficials may not exclude from public places persons engaged in peaceful expressive activity solely because thegovernment actor fears, dislikes, or disagrees with the views those persons express. See, e.g., Police Dept. of Chicago v. Mosley, 408 U. S. 92, 96 (1972). It is equallyplain that the fundamental right to speak secured by theFirst Amendment does not leave people at liberty to pub- licize their views “‘whenever and however and wher- ever they please.’” United States v. Grace, 461 U. S. 171, 177–178 (1983) (quoting Adderly v. Florida, 385 U. S. 39, 48 (1966)). Our decision in this case starts from those premises.
The particular question before us is whether the protesters have alleged violation of a clearly established First Amendment right based on the agents’ decision to order the protesters moved from their original location in front of the Inn, first to the block just east of the Inn, and thenanother block farther. We note, initially, an antecedentissue: Does the First Amendment give rise to an impliedright of action for damages against federal officers whoviolate that Amendment’s guarantees? In Bivens, cited supra, at 8, we recognized an implied right of actionagainst federal officers for violations of the Fourth Amendment. Thereafter, we have several times assumed without deciding that Bivens extends to First Amendment claims. See, e.g., Iqbal, 556 U. S., at 675. We do so againin this case. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 10–11 (counsel for petitioners observed that the implication of a right to suederived from the First Amendment itself was an issue “not preserved below” and therefore “not presented” in this Court).
The doctrine of qualified immunity protects governmentofficials from liability for civil damages “unless a plaintiff
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pleads facts showing (1) that the official violated a statutory or constitutional right, and (2) that the right was ‘clearly established’ at the time of the challenged conduct.” Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 563 U. S. ___, ___ (2011) (slip op., at 3). And under the governing pleading standard, the “complaint must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted astrue, to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” Iqbal, 556 U. S., at 678 (internal quotation marks omitted). Requiring the alleged violation of law to be “clearly established” “balances . . . the need to hold public officials accountable when they exercise power irresponsibly and the need to shield officials from harassment, distraction, and liability when they perform their duties reasonably.” Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U. S. 223, 231 (2009). The “dispositive inquiry,” we have said, “is whether it would [havebeen] clear to a reasonable officer” in the agents’ position“that [their] conduct was unlawful in the situation [they] confronted.” Saucier v. Katz, 533 U. S. 194, 202 (2001).
At the time of the Jacksonville incident, this Court had addressed a constitutional challenge to Secret Service actions on only one occasion.6 In Hunter v. Bryant, 502
U. S. 224 (1991) (per curiam), the plaintiff sued two SecretService agents alleging that they arrested him withoutprobable cause for writing and delivering to two Univer-sity of Southern California offices a letter referring to aplot to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. We held that qualified immunity shielded the agents from claims thatthe arrest violated the plaintiff ’s rights under the Fourth,Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments. “[N]owhere,”we stated, is “accommodation for reasonable error . . .
—————— 6Subsequent to the incident at issue here, we held in Reichle v. Howards, 566 U. S. ___, ___ (2012) (slip op., at 1), that two Secret Service agents were “immune from suit for allegedly arresting a suspect in retaliation for [negative comments he made about Vice President Cheney], when the agents had probable cause to arrest the suspect for committing a federal crime.”
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more important than when the specter of Presidential assassination is raised.” Id., at 229.
In other contexts, we have similarly recognized theNation’s “valid, even . . . overwhelming, interest in protecting the safety of its Chief Executive.” Watts, 394 U. S., at
707. See also Rubin v. United States, 525 U. S. 990, 990– 991 (1998) (BREYER, J., dissenting from denial of certio- rari) (“The physical security of the President of the UnitedStates has a special legal role to play in our constitutionalsystem.”). Mindful that “[o]fficers assigned to protect public officials must make singularly swift, on the spot,decisions whether the safety of the person they are guarding is in jeopardy,” Reichle v. Howards, 566 U. S. ___, ___ (2012) (GINSBURG, J., concurring in judgment) (slip op., at2), we address the key question: Should it have been clear to the agents that the security perimeter they establishedviolated the First Amendment?
B The protesters assert that it violated clearly establishedFirst Amendment law to deny them “equal access to the President,” App. Pet. for Cert. 175a, during his dinner at the Inn and subsequent drive to the cottage, id., at 185a.7 The Court of Appeals agreed, holding that the agentsviolated clearly established law by moving the protesters to a location that “was in relevant ways not comparable tothe place where the pro-Bush group was allowed to remain.” 711 F. 3d, at 946 (internal quotation marks and ellipsis omitted). The Ninth Circuit did not deny that security concerns justified “mov[ing] the anti-Bush pro——————
7The protesters, however, do not maintain that “the First Amendment entitled them to be returned to their original location after the President’s dinner and before his motorcade departed.” Brief for Respondents 39–40, n. 7. They urge only that “it was constitutionallyimproper to move them in the first place.” Id., at 40, n. 7; see Tr. of Oral Arg. 50 (same).
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testers somewhere.” Ibid. But, the court determined, no reason was shown for “the considerable disparity in thedistance each group was allowed to stand from the Presidential party.” Ibid. The agents thus offended the FirstAmendment, in the Court of Appeals’ view, because their directions to the local officers placed the protesters at a“comparativ[e] disadvantag[e] in expressing their views” to the President. Ibid.
No decision of which we are aware, however, would alert Secret Service agents engaged in crowd control that theybear a First Amendment obligation “to ensure that groups with different viewpoints are at comparable locations at all times.” Id., at 952 (O’Scannlain, J., dissenting from denial of rehearing en banc). Nor would the maintenance of equal access make sense in the situation the agents confronted.
Recall that at the protesters’ location on the north side of California Street, see supra, at 4, they faced an alley giving them a direct line of sight to the outdoor patio where the President stopped to dine. The first move, to the corner of Fourth and California Streets, proved nosolution, for there, only a parking lot stood between the protesters and the patio. True, at both locations, a six-foot wooden fence and an unspecified number of local police officers impeded access to the President. Even so, 200 to 300 protesters were within weapons range, and had alargely unobstructed view, of the President’s location. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 41 (counsel for respondents acknowledgedthat “in hindsight, you could . . . conclude” that “proximity[of the protesters to the President] alone . . . is enough tocreate a security [risk]”). See also Eggen & Fletcher, FBI:Grenade Was a Threat to Bush, Washington Post, May 19, 2005, p. A1 (reporting that a live grenade thrown at President Bush in 2005, had it detonated, could have injured him from 100 feet away).
The protesters suggest that the agents could have
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moved the President’s supporters further to the west sothat they would not be in range of the President when the motorcade drove from the Inn to the cottage where thePresident would stay overnight. See App. Pet. for Cert. 178a. As earlier explained, however, see supra, at 4–5, there would have been no security rationale for such a move. In contrast to the open alley and parking lot on the east side of the Inn, to the west of the Inn where the supporters stood, a large, two-story building blocked sight of,or weapons access to, the patio the agents endeavored to secure.8 No clearly established law, we agree, required the Secret Service “to interfere with even more speech thansecurity concerns would require in an attempt to keepopposing groups at roughly equal distances from the President.” Brief for Petitioners 32. And surely no such lawrequired the agents to attempt to maintain equal dis- tances by “prevail[ing] upon the President not to dine at the Inn.” Oral Arg. Audio in No. 10–36152 (CA9) 42:22 to 43:36(argument by protesters’ counsel), available at http:// (as visited May 19, 2014, and in Clerk of Court’s case file) (argument tendered by protesters’ counsel).
III The protesters allege that, when the agents directed
their displacement, the agents acted not to ensure the President’s safety from handguns or explosive devices. ——————
8Neither side contends that the presence of demonstrators along the President’s motorcade route posed an unmanageable security risk, orthat there would have been a legitimate security rationale for removing the protesters, but not the supporters, from the motorcade route. The President’s detour for dinner, however, set the two groups apart. “[T]hesecurity concerns arising from the presence of a large group of peoplenear the open-air patio where the President was dining were plainlydifferent from those associated with permitting a group . . . to remainalong Third Street while the President’s [armored limousine] traveled by.” Brief for Petitioners 46.
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Instead, the protesters urge, the agents had them movedsolely to insulate the President from their message, thereby giving the President’s supporters greater visibility and audibility. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 35–36. The Ninth Circuit found sufficient the protesters’ allegations that the agents“acted with the sole intent to discriminate against [theprotesters] because of their viewpoint”. 711 F. 3d, at 964. Accordingly, the Court of Appeals “allow[ed] the protestors’ claim of viewpoint discrimination to proceed.” Id., at
It may be, the agents acknowledged, that clearly established law proscribed the Secret Service from disadvantaging one group of speakers in comparison to another if theagents had “no objectively reasonable security rationale” for their conduct, but acted solely to inhibit the expression of disfavored views. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 28–29; Brief forPetitioners 52 (entitlement to relief might have been established if, for example, “the pro-Bush group had . . . been allowed to move into the nearer location that the anti-Bush had vacated”). We agree with the agents, however, that the map itself, reproduced supra, at 4, undermines the protesters’ allegations of viewpoint discrimination as the sole reason for the agents’ directions. The mapcorroborates that, because of their location, the protestersposed a potential security risk to the President, while the supporters, because of their location, did not.
The protesters make three arguments to shore up their charge that the agents’ asserted security concerns are disingenuous. First, the protesters urge that, had theagents’ professed interest in the President’s safety beensincere, the agents would have directed all persons pres- ent at the Inn to be screened or removed from the prem-ises. See Brief for Respondents 27. But staff, other diners, and Inn guests were there even before the agents themselves knew that the President would dine at the Inn. See Brief for Petitioners 47. Those already at the Inn
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“could not have had any expectation that they would seethe President that evening or any opportunity to premeditate a plan to cause him harm.” Reply Brief 16. The Secret Service, moreover, could take measures to ensure that the relatively small number of people already inside the Inn were kept under close watch; no similar surveillance would have been possible for 200 to 300 people congregating in front of the Inn. See ibid.
The protesters also point to a White House manual, which states that the President’s advance team should “work with the Secret Service . . . to designate a protest area . . . preferably not in view of the event site or motorcade route.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 219a. This manual guides the conduct of the President’s political advance team. See id., at 220a (distinguishing between the political role of the advance team and the security mission ofthe Secret Service).9 As the complaint acknowledges, the Secret Service has its own “written guidelines, directives, instructions and rules.” Id., at 184a. Those guides explicitly “prohibit Secret Service agents from discriminatingbetween anti-government and pro-government demonstrators.” Ibid.
The protesters maintain that the Secret Service does not adhere to its own written guides. They recite severalinstances in which Secret Service agents allegedly engaged in viewpoint discrimination. See id., at 189a–194a. Even accepting as true the submission that Secret Serviceagents, at times, have assisted in shielding the President from political speech, this case is scarcely one in which theagents acted “without a valid security reason.” Brief for
—————— 9“An ‘advance man’ is ‘[o]ne who arranges for publicity, protocol, transportation, speaking schedules, conferences with local governmentofficials, and minute details of a visit, smoothing the way for a politicalfigure.’ ” See 711 F. 3d, at 950, n. 2 (O’Scannlain, J., dissenting fromdenial of rehearing en banc) (quoting W. Safire, Safire’s PoliticalDictionary 8 (5th ed. 2008)).
Opinion of the Court
Respondents 40. We emphasize, again, that the protesterswere at least as close to the President as were the supporters when the motorcade arrived at the Jacksonville Inn. See supra, at 5. And as the map attached to the complaint shows, see supra, at 4, when the President reached the patio to dine, the protesters, but not the supporters, were within weapons range of his location. See supra, at 14. Given that situation, the protesters cannotplausibly urge that the agents “had no valid security reason to request or order the[ir] eviction.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 186a.
We note, moreover, that individual government officials “cannot be held liable” in a Bivens suit “unless they themselves acted [unconstitutionally].” Iqbal, 556 U. S., at 683. We therefore decline to infer from alleged instances of misconduct on the part of particular agents an unwritten policy of the Secret Service to suppress disfavored expression, and then to attribute that supposed policy to all fieldlevel operatives. See Reply Brief 20.
* * * This case comes to us on the agents’ petition to review the Ninth Circuit’s denial of their qualified immunity defense. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 10 (petitioners’ briefing on appeal trained on the issue of qualified immunity). Limiting our decision to that question, we hold, for the reasons stated, that the agents are entitled to qualified immunity. Accordingly, we reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals.
It is so ordered.


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