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Date: 06-11-2014

Case Style: State of Ohio v. Kevin Knoefel

Case Number: 13CR558

Judge: Joseph Gibson

Court: Lake County, Ohio

Plaintiff's Attorney: Karen Kowall

Defendant's Attorney: Michael Connick, Dennis Loconti, Gary Vick

Description: The State of Ohio charged Kevin Knoefel, age 43, with conspiracy to commit the murder of his wife, Lisa, age 41. The State alleged that Knoefel used his sexual relationship with his foster daughter. Defendant was also charged with six counts of sexual battery of Sabrina Zunich, age 17. Lisa Knoefel was stabbed to death in November 2012.

Zunich took the stand and testified that she was in love with Kevin and killed her foster mother so that she and Kevin could be together.

Kevin Knoefel collected $800,000 life insurance benefits.

Defendant claimed that Zunich was mentally ill and acted alone.

Common Pleas docket entries:

08/08/2013 Secret indictment returned a true bill, filed.

08/08/2013 Precipe to issue warrant to arrest on indictment, filed.

08/08/2013 Warrant on indictment issued to the Sheriff of Lake County.

08/08/2013 Computer fee

08/08/2013 Indigent Defense Support fund

08/08/2013 Victims of Crime (mandatory state fee)

08/08/2013 Indigent application fee

08/09/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The Lake County Sheriff's Department is authorized and ordered by this court to cause the medical testing of any person arrested or charged with violation of sections 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.24 and 2907.25 for venereal diseases. The Lake county Sheriff's Department shall cause the testing for venereal diseases and shall be performed immediately upon "arrest" or "charge". See Journal. (2 certified copies issued to LCSD) vol 2135 pg 863

08/14/2013 Return of service form, filed.

08/14/2013 Warrant on indictment returned: Execution by arrest. I received this warrant on 8/9/13 at 11:37 o'clock
am. On 8/9/13 I arrested Kevin Knoeffel and gave him/her a copy of this warrant with complaint attached and brought him/her to Lake County Jail. Sheriff, Daniel A. Dunlap /s/ #83
08/16/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Defendant being in court and represented by counsel and arraigned upon said indictment, waived the reading of the indictment, and for his/her plea thereto says he/she is "not guilty". Bond is set at $5,000,000 cash/surety w/conditions of GPS monitoring if posted. See Journal. mmb vol 2135 pg 864

08/16/2013 Conditions of bond signed by defendant and attorney, filed.

08/16/2013 Civil 2 computer (Judge Gibson)

08/16/2013 Notice of discovery by State of Ohio and request for reciprocal discovery, filed.

08/19/2013 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

08/20/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 08/23/2013 Time: 11:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

08/23/2013 Scheduled Event: MOTION TO MODIFY BOND, TERMS OF PROBATION, ETC. Date: 09/06/2013 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

08/23/2013 Defendant's motion to reduce/ modify bond, memorandum in support, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624) Attorney: VICK, JR. ESQ, GARY (0071495)

08/27/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Order of Procedure. vol 2137 pg 0742-0743

09/03/2013 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 30 day of Aug 2013, I served the above named Det Ronald Parmertor by faxed. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

09/04/2013 State's response to defendant's motion to reduce/ modify bond, proof of service, brief, filed. LB Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031)

09/06/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed. LB

09/06/2013 Waiver of speedy trial (only until February 1, 2014), filed. LB

09/06/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: This day, September 6, 2013, this matter came on for purpose of setting bond. Bond is hereby reset in the amount of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000), cash or surety. Additional conditions include: GPS monitoring; surrender of passport before release from the Lake County Jail; travel is limited to Lake and Cuyahoga Counties; no contact with witnesses or decedent's family, excluding defendant's biological children. It is so ordered. LB Certified copy issued to the LCSD vol 2141 pg 415

09/09/2013 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

09/10/2013 Scheduled Event: SECOND PRE-TRIAL Date: 10/23/2013 Time: 11:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

09/10/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 12/11/2013 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Continued for more time

09/10/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 01/15/2014 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Continued for more time

09/10/2013 Scheduled Event: JURY TRIAL- CRIMINAL Date: 01/21/2014 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Continued for more time

09/11/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The within cause came on for a Pretrial on September 6, 2013 whereupon the Court set the following scheduling deadlines: See Journal. The Court sets a Second Pretrial for October 23, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.; a Third Pretrial for December 11, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.; Final Pretrial for January 14, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. and Jury Trial for January 21, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. It is so ordered. LB vol 2142 pg 0516

10/07/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

10/11/2013 Defendant's motion to extend deadline to file motions to suppress, service, filed. mmb Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

10/15/2013 Defendant's motion to unseal supporting affidavits to search warrants, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

10/18/2013 Motion to provide sealed search warrant affidavits, proof of service, filed. LB Attorney: NERODA, ESQ, LISA A. (0052030)

10/18/2013 State's supplemental motion to provide sealed search warrant affidavits, proof of service, filed. LB

10/21/2013 Motion for protective order and motion to establish a hearing and in camera review, service, memorandum, filed. mmb Attorney: CANTOR ESQ, ABRAHAM (0011867)

10/21/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that the State's Motion to Provide Sealed Search Warrant Affidavits is granted and the State of Ohio may provide to defense counsel, with the designation "counsel only", the sealed search warrant affidavits and any related audio recordings in discovery., filed. LB vol 2150 pg 0426

10/21/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that Defendant's Motion to Extend Deadline to File Motions to Suppress be and hereby is granted until November 18, 2013. Any opposing brief is to be filed no later than December 2, 2013. The Court will not entertain any further extensions. It is further the order of this Court that the Scheduling Deadlines outlined in this Court's Judgment Entry of September 11, 2013 remain in full force and effect. It is so ordered. LB vol 2150 pg 0425

10/23/2013 State's response to the LCDJFS motion for protective order and motion to establish a hearing and in camera review, service, memorandum, filed. mmb

10/23/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

10/23/2013 Scheduled Event: MOTION TO SUPPRESS Date: 12/07/2013 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Continued for more time

11/04/2013 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that an in camera inspection and production of the documents for use by defense counsel is granted under the following limitations and restrictions: 1--5 (See Journal)., filed. LB vol 2153 pg 0673-0674

11/06/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

11/13/2013 Defendant's motion to permit defendant access to discovery marked as "counsel only" by the State, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

11/13/2013 Defendant's motion to extend witness report deadline, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

11/18/2013 Defendant's Motion to Suppress, defendant's memorandum in support of motion to suppress, service, filed. Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

11/19/2013 Scheduled Event: PHONE CONFERENCE Date: 11/26/2013 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

11/19/2013 State's response to defendant's motion to permit defendant access to discovery marked as "counsel only" by the State, service, filed. mmb

11/19/2013 State's response to defendant's motion to extend expert witness report deadline, service, filed. mmb

11/25/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

11/27/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 12/03/2013 Time: 1:30 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

11/27/2013 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

12/02/2013 Motion for a particularized statement regarding issues III and IV in defendant's motion to suppress,
service, filed. mmb Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031) Attorney: NERODA, ESQ, LISA A. (0052030)

12/02/2013 State's response to defendant's motion to suppress, service, brief, filed. mmb

12/02/2013 Waiver of Speedy Trial, filed. (until March 31, 2014)

12/04/2013 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

12/04/2013 Scheduled Event: MOTION TO SUPPRESS Date: 01/10/2014 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

12/04/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 01/22/2014 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

12/04/2013 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 03/12/2014 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Court
continued hearing

12/04/2013 Scheduled Event: JURY TRIAL- CRIMINAL Date: 03/24/2014 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location: Result: Continued - Attorney Motion

12/06/2013 Defendant's motion to continue hearing on defendant's motion to suppress evidence and trial date, service, filed. mmb Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624) Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

12/10/2013 Notice, proof of service, filed. LB

12/13/2013 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's particularized statement regarding issues III and IV in defendant's motion to suppress **FILED UNDER SEAL**., filed. LB (Sealed brown envelope stapled in file)

12/24/2013 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

12/27/2013 State's response to defendant's particularized statement regarding issues III & IV in defendant's motion to suppress (FILED UNDER SEAL), service, filed. mmb ******response sealed in medium brown envelope and put in file******

01/08/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 6 day of Jan 2014, I served the above named Detective Ronald Parmertor by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

01/09/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that defendant's motion for continuance be and hereby is granted. Oral hearing on the Motion to Suppress is reset to January 10, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. and the jury trial is reset to March 24, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. The time for which defendant must be brought to trial is extended for the period of the continuance. See Journal. mmb vol 2166 pg 678

01/10/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

01/14/2014 Scheduled Event: MOTION TO SUPPRESS Date: 01/22/2014 Time: 2:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

01/14/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The within cause came on for consideration sua sponte this date, to wit: January 13, 2014. Following a conference with counsel, the Court sets the following deadlines: See Journal. It is so ordered. LB vol 2167 pg 0036

01/15/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant's supplemental brief to issues 5 and 6 in defendant's particularized statement regarding his motion to suppress, service, filed. mmb Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J.

01/15/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his supplemental brief to issues 5 and 6 in defendant's particularized statement regarding issues contained in his previously filed motion to suppress evidence under seal. See Journal. vol 2165 pg 0518

01/15/2014 Defendant's supplemental brief to issues 5 and 6 in defendant's particularized statement regarding his motion to suppress, filed. *****UNDER SEAL IN BROWN ENVELOPE******

01/21/2014 State's response to defendant's supplemental brief to issues 5 and 6 in defendant's particularized statement regarding his motion to suppress (filed under seal). **SEALED IN BROWN ENVELOPE**

01/22/2014 Defendant's motion to extend deadline to file expert witness reports, certificate of service, exhibit A, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

01/22/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 22 day of Jan 2014, I served the above named Detective Ronald Parmertor by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

01/23/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

01/24/2014 Defendant's proposed new expert witness report deadline, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: CONNICK ESQ, MICHAEL J. (0046624)

01/27/2014 Motion for protective order and motion to establish a hearing and in camera review, service, memorandum, attachments, filed. mmb Attorney: CANTOR ESQ, ABRAHAM (0011867)

01/27/2014 AGREED JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is ordered that an in camera inspection and production of documents for use by defense counsel is granted under the following limitations and restrictions: 1--5 (See Journal). It is so ordered. LB vol 2168 pg 0636-0641

01/28/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The within cause came on for consideration this day, January 28, 2014, upon the following: 1 thru 6 (See Journal). It is the order of this Court that the Defendant's Motion to Suppress is hereby denied. It is so ordered. LB vol 2169 pg 0480-0487

01/28/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The within cause came on for consideration sua sponte this date, January 27, 2014. Following a conference with counsel, the Court sets the following deadlines: See Journal. It is so ordered. LB vol 2169 pg 0488

01/30/2014 Notice, service, filed. mb

01/30/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 30 day of January 2014, I served the above named Signature health Custodian of Records by personally handing a copy to beth Gieim /s/ Dennis N LoConti, Esq.

01/30/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 30 day of January 2014, I served the above named Crossroads Custodian of Records by personally handing a copy to Lanna McTaggert /s/ Dennis N LoConti, Esq.

02/03/2014 Notification to the trial court of telephone communications which were recorded at the Lake County Jail, proof of service, filed. LB

02/03/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachment, filed. LB

02/04/2014 Motion of Signature Health Inc. to quash subpoena, memorandum in support, certificate of service, attachment, filed. LB Attorney: McGAFFICK ESQ, JEFFREY M. (0034681)

02/05/2014 Amended supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachment, filed.

02/06/2014 Motion to quash, memorandum, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: MANNING ESQ, FRANCIS P. (0047242)

02/11/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Following a conference with counsel, the Court orders that the Motions to Quash are hereby denied and the records shall be produced in accordance with the following: 1--4 (See Journal). It is so ordered. LB vol 2173 pg 0489

02/13/2014 Defendant's Motion for an additional five days to file expert witness reports, service, attachments, filed. mb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

02/19/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachment, filed.

02/19/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: defendant Kevin Knoefel's expert witness report, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

02/19/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Journal entry granting defendant's motion to file under seal: defendant Kevin Knoefel's expert witness report. It is so ordered. LB vol 2173 pg 0126

02/19/2014 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's expert witness report (filed under seal) **SEALED IN BROWN ENVELOPE**

02/19/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered that defendant shall have until February 19, 2014 to produce his expert witness report(s), and that an additional (5) days shall be granted to the State of Ohio to produce their expert witness report(s) until March 5, 2014. It is so ordered. LB vol 2175 pg 0294

02/24/2014 Motion for jury view, brief, service, filed. mmb Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031) Attorney: O'DONNELL ESQ, JOHN P. (0038853) Attorney: NERODA, ESQ, LISA A. (0052030)

02/25/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

02/28/2014 Motion to compel discovery, service, filed. mmb Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031) Attorney: O'DONNELL ESQ, JOHN P. (0038853) Attorney: NERODA, ESQ, LISA A. (0052030)

03/03/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, filed.

03/04/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 4 day of March 2014, I served the above named Custodian of Records Willoughby-Eastlake Schools by hand delivered to Eileen Bowers (sustodian of student records). /s/ Atty Dennis N LoConti

03/05/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

03/05/2014 State's Expert Witness Report, filed. ****FILED UNDER SEAL****

03/05/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that the State's Motion to Compel Discovery is
granted. Defendant shall provide the requested discovery forthwith. It is so ordered. LB vol 2178 pg 0131

03/05/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: None of the documents submitted for in camera inspection shall be produced to defendant. See Journal. It is so ordered. LB vol 2178 pg 0126

03/06/2014 Defendant's response in opposition to the State's Motion for jury view, service, filed.

03/06/2014 Defendant's motion for continuance of trial date, service, filed. Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

03/07/2014 State's response to defendant's motion to continue, proof of service, brief, filed. LB

03/10/2014 State's proposed jury questionnaire, proof of service, attachments, filed. (Kowall) dd

03/12/2014 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 03/18/2014 Time: 3:00 pm Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

03/12/2014 Scheduled The following event: JURY TRIAL- CRIMINAL scheduled for 03/24/2014 at 9:00 am has been resulted as follows: Result: Continued - Attorney Motion Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

03/12/2014 Scheduled Event: JURY TRIAL- CRIMINAL Date: 06/02/2014 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

03/12/2014 Waiver of speedy trial (only until June 30, 2014), filed. LB

03/12/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that Defendant's Motion for Continuance be and hereby is granted. The Jury Trial of March 24, 2014 is reset to June 2, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. The time for which defendant must be brought to trial is extended for the period of the continuance. It is so ordered. LB vol 2178 pg 0981

03/18/2014 State's response to defendant's opposition to the state's motion for jury view, service, filed. mmb

03/18/2014 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 04/30/2014 Time: 11:15 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

03/18/2014 Scheduled Event: PRE-TRIAL Date: 05/16/2014 Time: 11:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

03/19/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

03/20/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The within cause came on for consideration sua sponte, this day, March 18, 2014. Following a conference with counsel, the Court sets the following deadlines: See Journal. It is so ordered. LB vol 2181 pg 0690

03/21/2014 Defendant's proposed jury questionnaire, service, filed. mmb

03/26/2014 Christian Children's Home objection to production/ motion to quash defendant Kevin Knoefel's subpoena duces tecum, proof of service, exhibit A and B attached, filed. LB

03/31/2014 Journal Entry Filed: The within cause came on for consideration this date, to wit: March 28, 2014 upon Christian Children's Home's Objected to Production/Motion to Quash defendant Kevin Knoefel's Subpoena Duces Tecum, filed March 26, 2014. The Court finds that the motion to quash shall be denied and the records requested shall be produced in accordance with the following. See 1-4 It is So Ordered. Vol 2182 pg 904 dd

04/01/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 19th day of March 2014, I served the above named individual Custodian of Records Christian Children's Home by attorney. dd

04/11/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

04/28/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant's supplemental expert witness report, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

04/28/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his supplemental expert witness report authored by Stevens M Neuhaus, Ph.D. under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2187 pg 0118

04/28/2014 Supplemental Expert Witness Report, filed. *****UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE*****

05/01/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The Court has reviewed the records submitted for in camera inspection by Christian Children's Home of Ohio. The Court finds that there are no relevant records that contain any information not already known to defendant. Accordingly, none of the documents submitted for in camera inspection shall be produced to defendant. It is so ordered. LB vol 2189 pg 0887

05/01/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

05/05/2014 Notice of Filing of Supplemental State's Expert Witness Report, service, filed. mmb

05/05/2014 Supplemental State's Expert Witness Report, filed. ****SEALED IN BROWN ENVELOPE***

05/09/2014 Motion in Limine, filed. ****SEALED IN BROWN ENVELOPE**** Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031)

05/09/2014 Motion in limine to prohibit admission of testimony of the defendant's expert, Dr. Steven Neuhaus, filed. ****SEALED IN BROWN ENVELOPE**** Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031)

05/12/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 25 day of April 2014, I served the above named Custodian of Records for the Sheriff of Lake County by hand delivered. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Corrections Officeer J Leonard by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Dr Joseph A Felo by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Erica Gaiter by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Pam Brown by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Ryan Dodge by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Sergeant Brian Jackson by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Detective Ronald Parmertor by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Patrolman Jamie Onion by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Paramedic/Fire Fighter Tommy Smith by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Paramedic/Fire Fighter Steve Lucic by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Officer Michael Sevel by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Dispatcher Ashley Onion by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Officer Randy Mullenax by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Douglas E Rohde by mail box. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 12 day of May 2014, I served the above named Jamie R Walsh by mail box. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Sarah Wickes by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Frank Vallis by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Allen Foster by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Donna Castiglione by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Kelly Marth by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/13/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Sue Heckman by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named Frank Zingale by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of May 2014, I served the above named individual Sabrina A Zunich by Business office. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 14 day of May 2014, I served the above named Lisa Prokoplus by rugular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 14 day of May 2014, I served the above named Kaleen Lessmann by rugular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 14 day of May 2014, I served the above named Debra Jordan by rugular US mail and facsimile. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Willie J Smith by Business Office. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Joyce Contento by residential. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Kenneth S Melvin by business office. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Theresa Menn by personal. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Nicole Corbett by business office. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/14/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 13 day of 2014, I served the above named individual Latasha Stewart by business office. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 Motion in limine for admission of stored text messages, filed. ***FILED UNDER SEAL**** Attorney: KOWALL, ESQ, KAREN L. (0030031)

05/15/2014 Supplement to State's Motion for Jury View, proof of service, state's exhibits 1-11, filed. mmb

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Christopher Eddy by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Wendy r Adams by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Autumn Pavlik by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Donna Castiglione by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Allen Foster by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Chuck Fullen by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/15/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Francis Corley by personal. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/16/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

05/16/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 16 day of May 2014, I served the above named Gloria Delgado by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/16/2014 SUBPOENA RETURNED ENDORSED: On the 16 day of May 2014, I served the above named individual Stephanie M Lilliman by personal. /s/Dwayne Haavisto/John Butler, LCPO

05/16/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 15 day of May 2014, I served the above named Elliott Lambert by facsimile. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/16/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 16 day of May 2014, I served the above named Joe Becka by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/19/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: defendant Kevin Knoefel's trial exhibit list, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/19/2014 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's trial exhibit list **FILED UNDER SEAL**

05/19/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 16 day of May 2014, I served the above named Diana Fields by regular US mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/19/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 19 day of May 2014, I served the above named Representative of AT&TSubpoena Compliance Department by facsimile. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/21/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered that defendant shall file his Trial Exhibit List under seal. It is so ordered. LB vol 2191 pg 1055

05/21/2014 Defendant's motion for an order permitting him to dress for trial, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/21/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

05/21/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered that defendant shall be permitted to dress in appropriate clothing for his trial and the Lake County Sheriff is hereby ordered to permit the delivery of such clothing to the defendant by his family. It is so ordered. LB Certified copy issued to LCSD vol 2193 pg 0884

05/21/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that the State's Supplement to State's Motion for Jury View is granted. It is so ordered. LB vol 2193 pg 0885

05/21/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: This day, May 20, 2014, It is the order of this Court that the State's Motion for Jury View be and hereby is granted. The jury in this case is to be transported to the following locations: 1 & 2 (See Journal). It is so ordered. LB vol 2193 pg 0886-0888

05/22/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 21 day of May 2014, I served the above named Adam Beese by personal service. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/22/2014 Motion to compel the appearance of a witness residing outside the State of Ohio, proof of service, filed. LB Attorney: NERODA, ESQ, LISA A. (0052030)

05/22/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Certification of the materiality of the testimony of a witness located outside the State of Ohio., filed. LB vol 2192 pg 0432

05/23/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, filed.

05/23/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant Kevin Knoefel's response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit admission of testimony of defendant's expert, Dr. Steven Neuhaus, service, filed. Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/23/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Certification of the materiality of the testimony of a witness located outside the State of Ohio. See Journal. mmb vol 2192 pg 998

05/23/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit admission of testimony of defendant's expert, Dr. Steven Neuhaus, under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2192 pg 999

05/23/2014 Defendant's response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit admission of testimony of Dr. Steven Neuhaus, filed. ***FILED UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE***

05/27/2014 State's reply brief to defendant's response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit admission of testimony of Dr. Steven Neuhaus, service, brief, filed. mb

05/27/2014 Proposed Jury Instructions and Verdict Forms, service, filed. mb

05/27/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 23 day of May 2014, I served the above named Daneen Baller by business--secretary. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/28/2014 Correspondence from CT Corporation, filed. mb

05/28/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, filed.

05/28/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant's response in opposition to the state's motion in
limine to prohibit testimony of Sabrina Zunich's juvenile theft conviction, to prohibit defense counsel from calling Sabrina Zunich a psychopath, and that Sabrina Zunich was available as a witness to the State of Ohio, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/28/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: Journal entry granting defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant's
response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit testimony of Sabrina Zunich's juvenile theft conviction, to prohibit defense counsel from calling Sabrina Zunich a psychopath, and that Sabrina Zunich was available as a witness to the State of Ohio. See Journal. mmb vol 2193 pg 0581-0582

05/28/2014 Defendant's response in opposition to the state's motion in limine to prohibit testimony of Sabrina Zunich's juvenile theft conviction, to prohibit defense counsel from calling Sabrina Zunich a psychopath, and that Sabrina Zunich was available as a witness to the State of Ohio, filed. ***FILED UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE***

05/28/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant Kevin Knoefel's proposed jury instructions, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/28/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant Kevin Knoefel shall file his proposed jury instructions, under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2193 pg 0580

05/28/2014 Defendant's proposed jury instructions, filed. ***FILED UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE***

05/28/2014 Defendant's Trial Brief, service, filed. mmb

05/28/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 27 day of May 2014, I served the above named dispatcher Ashley Onion by faxed 3:15 p.m. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/28/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 27 day of May 2014, I served the above named Karen S Krnach by faxed 3:20 p.m. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/28/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 27 day of May 2014, I served the above named Jill Reynolds by faxed 3:20 p.m. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/28/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 23 day of May 2014, I served the above named Libbie L Stansifer, MD by personally handing subpoena to her. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/28/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 28 day of May 2014, I served the above named Morris W Levinsohn, MD by personally handing subpoena to him. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/29/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant Kevin Knoefel's motion for an evidentiary hearing to determine whether testimony by certain witnesses for the state will attempt to provide testimony that amounts to improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: 1. Transcript of Sabrina Zunich's proffer; 2. Transcript of Sabrina Zunich's interview with police on November 16, 2012, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant Kevin Knoefel's motion in limine regarding admission of testimony of State of Ohio witnesses to the extent that their testimony amounts to speculation and improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant's Kevin Knoefel's motion for an order upon Lake Health System to produce emergency room medical records of Sabrina Zunich, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's motion for an order upon Sabrina Zunich compelling her to execute a Hippa release for her Lake Health System emergency room medical records to defendant and his counsel, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's motion to allow requested points of observation by the jury during jury view, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion to file under seal: Defendant's motion in limine to prohibit the admission into evidence of (1) life insurance and death benefit proceeds, and (2) various expenditures made by defendant, service, filed. mmb Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file the transcripts of (1)Sabrina Zunich's proffer on May 9, 2013, and (2) Sabrina Zunich's interview with police on November 16, 2012, both under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 240

05/30/2014 Defendant's notice of filing: 1. Transcript of Sabrina Zunich's proffer on May 9, 2013; 2. Transcript of Sabrina Zunich's interview with police on November 16, 2012. ****FILED UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE****

05/30/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 30 day of May 2014, I served the above named Nicole Thomas by fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/30/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 30 day of May 2014, I served the above named Willie J Smith by
fax. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his motion in limine to prohibit the admission into evidence of (1) life insurance and death benefit proceeds, and (2) various expenditures made by defendant, under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 239

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion in limine to prohibit the admission into evidence of (1) life insurance and death benefit proceeds, and (2) various expenditures made by defendant, filed. ***FILED UNDER SEAL IN WHITE ENVELOPE***

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his motion in limine regarding admission of testimony of State of Ohio witnesses to the extent that their testimony amounts to speculation and improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 237-238

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion in limine to prohibit the admission of testimony of State of Ohio witnesses to the extent that their testimony amounts to speculation and improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, filed. ***FILED

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that defendant shall file his motion for an evidentiary hearing to determine whether testimony by certain witnesses for the state will attempt to provide testimony that amounts to improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, under seal. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 235-236

05/30/2014 Defendant's motion for an evidentiary hearing (voir dire hearing) to determine whether testimony by certain witnesses for the state will attempt to provide testimony that amounts to speculation and improper lay witness opinions under evid.r. 701, filed. *** FILED UNDER SEAL***

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The court hereby issues the following orders for Broadcasting, Recording and Photographing the trial proceedings 1-6. Media Pool Rules attached 1-9. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 232-234

05/30/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: The court hereby establishes the following rules for participant - spectator conduct during the court of the trial in this case 1-4. See Journal. mmb vol 2194 pg 231

06/02/2014 Supplemental discovery, proof of service, attachments, filed.

06/02/2014 State's response in opposition to defendant's proposed jury instructions, proof of service, brief, attachment, filed. LB

06/02/2014 Court stenographer's fees, filed. ($25.00 taxed)

06/03/2014 Defendant Kevin Knoefel's motion for an order pursuant to Crim.R.15(A) permitting the trial testimony of Morris W. Levinsohn, M.D. to be recorded and presented by video deposition, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

06/03/2014 Motion to quash, proof of service, memorandum, filed. LB Attorney: GRIESHAMMER ESQ, CHARLES R. (0022693)

06/04/2014 Defendant's response in opposition to motion to quash subpoena duces tecum issued upon Charles R. Grieshammer, certificate of service, filed. LB Attorney: LOCONTI ESQ, DENNIS N. (0019348)

06/04/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 4 day of June 2014, I served the above named Denise Burris by electronic mail. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

06/05/2014 JUDGMENT ENTRY FILED: It is the order of this Court that the Media Room is to be used only by authorized members of the media, members of the Prosecutor and Defense staff, and attorneys utilizing the Law Library for business purposes. It is so ordered. LB vol 2195 pg 227

06/05/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 5 day of June 2014, I served the above named Willie J Smith by facsimile. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

06/05/2014 SUBPOENA RETURN ENDORSED HEREON: On the 5 day of June 2014, I served the above named Willie J Smith by facsimile. /s/ Rick Puskar/John P. Butler, LCPO

06/06/2014 Scheduled Event: JURY TRIAL- CRIMINAL Date: 06/09/2014 Time: 9:00 am Judge: GIBSON, JOSEPH Location:

06/10/2014 Videotape deposition of Morris W Levinsohn, M.D., filed. mmb (sealed in while envelope)

Outcome: Defendant was found guilty and faces a sentence of life in prison without parole.

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