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Date: 11-25-2009

Case Style: Elvin Gonzalez v. Robert A. Murtha and the City of Hartford

Case Number: 3:03-cv-01529-RNC

Judge: Robert N. Chatigny

Court: United States District Court for the District of Connecticut (Hartford County)

Plaintiff's Attorney: Diane Polan and Max Simmons

Defendant's Attorney: William J. Melley, III for Robert A. Murtha

Eric P. Daigle for the City of Hartford

Description: Hartford, CT - Elvin Gonzalez sued Hartford Connecticut police officer Robert A. Murtha and the City of Hartford on civil rights violation theories under 42 U.S.C., 1983 claiming that Officer Murtha used excessive force in dealing with him and, as a direct result, her was injured and damaged.

On a cold night in early 2003, Murtha shot Elvin Gonzalez three times. He claimed that Gonzalez' vehicle sped directly at him, knocking him to the ground as he fired at the car.

A video from a nearby police cruiser revealed that Murtha had not, in fact, been hit by the car. Physical evidence also revealed that the officer shot Gonzalez through the driver's-side window as the car passed him.

Murtha was arrested and charged with assault and fabricating evidence.

He denied wrongdoing.

The City of Hartford was dismissed before trial.

Outcome: Defendants' verdict.

Plaintiff's Experts: William J. Lewinski, use of force by police officers

Defendant's Experts:


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