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Date: 09-07-2016


Case Number: SC 19341

Judge: Peter T. Zarella

Court: Connecticut Supreme Court

Plaintiff's Attorney: Marjorie Allen Dauster, senior assistant state’s attorney, Andrew J. Slitt, assistant state’s attorney,Patricia M. Froehlich, state’s attorney

Defendant's Attorney:

Glenn W. Falk

Description: Following a jury trial, the defendant, Daniel W. E., was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault in the first degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-70 (a) (2) and one count of risk of injury to a child in violation of General Statutes (Rev. to 2001) § 53-21 (a) (2). The victim, his daughter, was between six and nine years old at the time of the assaults. The trial court rendered judgment in accordance with the jury verdict and sentenced the defendant to a total effective sentence of twenty-five years incarceration followed by twenty years of special parole. On appeal,1 the defendant claims that the trial court improperly instructedthejuryontheuseofconstancyofaccusation evidenceandthattheconstancyofaccusationdoctrine, particularlyinchildsexualabusecases,shouldbeabandoned or modified because of increased public awareness regarding the reasons why children delay in reporting sexual abuse. The defendant further claims that the testimony of multiple constancy witnesses is unnecessary and prejudicial, and that other ways exist of ensuring fairness to the victim. The state responds that the trial court properly instructed the jury on the use of constancy evidence and that the defendant has failed to offer any cogent rationale for modifying or abandoning the doctrine. We conclude that the trial court’s jury instruction was proper but that the constancy of accusation doctrine should be modified. The record reveals the following relevant facts and proceduralhistory.ThevictimwasborninMarch,1996. In 2001, after her parents separated, the victim was living with her mother and two brothers in the town of Plainfield,andthedefendantwaslivingwithhisparents in the town of Brooklyn. From the time she was six years old, the victim and her brothers visited the defendant every other weekend. During each visit, the defendant sexually assaulted the victim at least once for the next three years. The assaults usually occurred in the bedroom or during bath time, when the defendant and the victim were alone. On one occasion, when the victim’s younger brother awoke from a nap in the children’sbedroomandaskedwhythedefendantwaslying on top of the victim, the defendant responded, ‘‘[t]his is our thing.’’ The visits and the assaults ceased when the victim was nine years old. The victim did not remember the assaults as painful and did not tell her mother, her grandparents or her pediatricianaboutthembecauseshe didnotknowthey were wrong. She simply thought the defendant was doing ‘‘what fathers and daughters did.’’ Although she repeatedly asked the defendant to stop, he continued the abuse. The victim’s only complaint to her mother about the visits was the presence of cigarette smoke inside the house, which made her feel sick. Both of the victim’s older stepsisters, M and D, also were sexually
abused by the defendant when they were very young, but the victim was unaware of this when she was being abused. In 2007, after D told the victim that she had been sexually abused in the past, the victim confided in D that she had been sexually assaulted by the defendant over an extended period of time, and then started crying.2 Drespondedthatthevictimshouldtellhermother or report the abuse to the police, but the victim did not do so.Two yearslater, inOctober, 2009, thevictim also toldaformerboyfriend,S,duringatelephoneconversationthatshehadbeensexuallyabusedbythedefendant multiple times. In October, 2009, after the victim finally told her mother,shereportedtheabusetothepolice.Thereport was triggered by an incident involving the victim and the defendant at a restaurant. The victim had arranged to meet the defendant at the restaurant, even though she was not permitted to contact him at that time and had not obtained her mother’s permission or informed her about the arrangement. Upon initially meeting and huggingthedefendant,thevictimnoticedthedefendant had an erection. This caused her to have flashbacks regarding her past abuse by the defendant and prompted her to tell the police. She also told the police she had had a brief sexual relationship with her then boyfriend, B, a few months earlier. The state arrested the defendant and charged him with two counts of sexual assault in the first degree andonecountofriskofinjurytoachild.Thedefendant elected to be tried by a jury. In a pretrial motion in limine, the defendant requested, among other things, thatthetrialcourt(1)givealimitinginstructionregarding any properly admitted constancy of accusation evidence, (2) exclude all constancy evidence, including any direct or indirect reference thereto, until after the victim testified, (3) preclude constancy evidence derivedfromreportsafterthevictim’sofficialcomplaint to the police or the Department of Children and Families,(4)limit‘‘ ‘corroborative’ ’’evidencetothefactand timing of the victim’s complaint, when, where, and to whom the complaint was made, and the identity of the alleged perpetrator, and (5) exclude cumulative constancy evidence to the extent its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect and the jury was likely to treat the evidence as substantive evidence of the defendant’sguilt. Thedefendant alsourged thetrial court to instruct the jury that any delay by a victim in reporting a complaint of sexual abuse to a friend or relative affects the weight to be given such evidence and should be considered by the jury. The defendant argued in part that, although the constancy of accusation doctrine has a long history in Connecticut, its continued relevance requires reconsideration because its underlying rationale has been increasingly questioned
in recent years. Following a hearing, during which counsel for both parties failed to engage in any substantive argument,3 the trial court granted the motion in limine insofar as it sought to limit constancy evidence to statements made prior to the victim’s official report of abuse and to preclude such evidence considered potentially redundantorcumulative.Thecourtemphasizedthatitwould not exclude any evidence at that time but that defense counsel could object if he believed the assistant state’s attorney (prosecutor) was not exercising reasonable restraint. Thereafter, in its preliminary instructions to the jury, the trial court included a general instruction thatcertainevidenceadmittedattrialwastobeconsideredonlyforalimitedpurposeandthatthecourtwould identify this evidence at the time of its admission.4 At trial, defense counsel did not object when the victim testified that she had never told anyone about theabuseuntilseveralyearslater.Whentheprosecutor called S as the first constancy witness, however, defense counsel objected to his testimony on hearsay grounds.Afterthecourtoverruledtheobjection,Stestified that the victim told him during a telephone conversation in 2009 that the defendant had molested her ‘‘multiple times’’ when she was five or six years old. Healsotestifiedthat,twodayslater,heurgedthevictim in another telephone conversation to tell her mother about the abuse. D, the second constancy witness, testified without objectionthatthevictimtoldhershehadbeensexually abusedbythedefendantoveralongperiodoftime,and then started crying. The victim’s mother also testified without objection that the victim did not tell her about the abuse until 2009 or 2010, even though the mother had explained ‘‘good touch-bad touch’’ to the victim when the victim was younger and that no healthcare providerhadnotedthepresenceofinjuriesduringregular pediatric checkups from 2001 to 2004 that might have been caused by sexual abuse. Erica Kesselman, a physician who examined the victim in December, 2009, after the victim reported the abusetothepolice,testifiedthat,althoughsheobserved injuries to the victim that could have been caused by the victim’s consensual sexual relationship with B duringthesummerof2009,theinjuriesalsowereconsistent with the victim’s reported history of sexual abuse and with medical findings concerning girls who have been forciblypenetratedbeforereachingpuberty.Kesselman further testified that the fact that the victim had been sexually active for a brief time prior to reporting the abuse to the police did not affect her conclusions because the victim’s injuries were more common in abuse cases than in cases in which there has been consensual intercourse.
Theresa Montelli then testified for the state as an expertwitnessregardingthecharacteristicsofsexually abused children. She explained that there is often a delay in reporting abuse due to factors such as the family relationship between the child and the abuser, the abuser’s telling the child tokeep the abuse a secret, the child’s loyalty to the abuser, the child’s difficulty in talking about the abuse, threats or coercion by the abuser, and the child’s feelings of fear, shame and selfblame. Montelli also testified that children sometimes fail to realize that what is happening to them is wrong, and they only become aware of this at some later time, such as in a health class at school. She added that disclosure by many children may involve a process in which they begin by revealing to a friend only a little about what happened and gradually provide more detailed information during an investigation or therapy as their comfort level and sense of safety increase. At the close of the evidence, the trial court gave the partiesitsproposedjuryinstructionsandrequestedthat counsel review them in preparation for the next day’s charging conference. Before the conference, however, defense counsel also submitted his own request to charge, which included a proposed instruction on constancy testimony.5 After the trial court rejected counsel’s proposed instruction during an in-chambers charging conference, counsel requested that the court use Connecticut’s standard criminal jury instruction6 because of differences in ‘‘semantics, language [and] placing of the paragraphs’’ that rendered the standard instruction purportedly less prejudicial than the trial court’s proposed instruction. Counsel specifically argued that there were ‘‘subtle’’ differences between language in the trial court’s instruction and language inthestandardinstructionpertainingtowhatwastobe corroboratedbytheconstancytestimony.Heexplained his concern that such testimony might be construed by the jury as corroborating the substance of the victim’s complaint to the witnesses rather than the fact that the victim had complained, and that the court’s proposed instruction did not make this distinction clear. He conceded that the standardinstruction and the court’s proposed instruction were ‘‘pretty much the same,’’ but, ‘‘looking at the gestalt of these two instructions, it’s the subject[ive] feeling of . . . defense counsel that, because of the placement of [the] language . . . [the standard instruction is] a little bit less prejudicial . . . .’’ Thetrialcourtrespondedthatany‘‘nuance’’towhich counselhadreferredwas‘‘sosubtlethat[thecourtwas] not inclined in the gestalt of the case overall to believe that it’s going to be determinative.’’ The court thus declinedtorevisititsearlierdecisionandrejectedcounsel’s request to use the standard criminal jury instruction. Shortly thereafter, when defense counsel noted
for the record that he had made a general objection to the constancy charge, the trial court summarized: ‘‘As totheconstancyofaccusationcharge,whichwe’vejust discussed briefly, we discussed it in greater length in chambers, [and] I determined that I would use the language I had originally drafted.’’ The prosecutor did not refer to the constancy testimony during his closing argument. Defense counsel, however, challenged the victim’s credibility on the ground that she had not reported the abuse to anyone during the three years when the abuse allegedly was occurringandbecauseshehadshownnooutwardmanifestations of physical abuse during that time. Counsel specifically noted that S ‘‘wasn’t here to testify as to whether or not it happened [because] he couldn’t say, justthatsometimeinOctoberof[2009],whiletheywere dating, she supposedly made this disclosure to him.’’ The prosecutor argued in rebuttal that the victim’s testimony, if credited, was sufficient to prove that the defendant was guilty and thus need not be corroborated. He then argued: ‘‘However, I would submit that thestatedidcorroboratehertestimony.Youheardfrom [S], who’s known her since he was seven [years old]. [She] told [him] in 2009, ‘my father raped me multiple times.’ That was his testimony. Also, [D]. She’s known [thevictim]fortenyears,[and]considersherhersister. What . . . did [the victim] say to [D]? ‘My dad raped me.’ And I cried—or she then cried and then . . . told [D] it happened often and for a long time. Think about how those two statements are consistent with each otherandwithwhat[thevictim]toldyou.’’Theprosecutor also referred to the fact that the victim’s mother, D, S, and Kesselman all testified that the defendant had sexually assaulted the victim.7 The trial court then excused the jury, and defense counselobjectedtoseveralportionsoftheprosecutor’s closing argument, including his contention during rebuttal argument that the victim’s testimony was corroborated by the constancy evidence. The trial court respondedthatdefensecounsel’sobservationwas‘‘correct’’ and that it would clarify in its jury instructions how the constancy evidence should be used. The court specifically stated that its ‘‘plan [was] to let the jury knowthattheimportof[theconstancy]testimony[was] that [the victim] made these statements. It [did] not mean that the statements [were] necessarily true. They [were] simply statements made, and . . . the jury [could] consider those in its calculation of all the credibility issues.’’ The trial court subsequently gave the following instruction to the jury: ‘‘I mentioned to you in my opening remarks that sometimes evidence is admitted for a limited purpose. And I have admitted some evidence in this case with that limitation, and you must consider that evidence only as it relates to the limits for which
it was allowed and not consider such testimony and evidenceinfindinganyotherfactsastoanyotherissue. ‘‘First in that category is what we call constancy of accusation evidence. You will recall that the state offered evidence of out-of-court statements which [the victim] made to other persons that the defendant sexually assaulted her. Specifically, you may recall that [S] and [D] testified as to the statements that she made to each of them regarding the defendant sexually assaulting her. ‘‘Ordinarily, as you may know, statements that are made out of court are not admissible. Under our law, this type of testimony is an exception only permitted in cases alleging a sexual assault and only admitted for thelimitedpurposeofcorroboratingwhatthecomplaining witness, [the victim], has testified to in court with respect only to the fact and timing of her complaint, the time and place of the alleged sexual assaults, and the identity of the alleged perpetrator. ‘‘First of all, you may determine that the testimony of these witnesses was not itself credible. If you find their testimony credible as to what [the victim] told them, however, you mayonly thereupon find that these statements corroborate or support her own testimony. In other words, they are a factor in your determination as to what weight and credibility you will give to [the victim’s] testimony as it pertains to the charges of sexual assault. ‘‘If you find that she has been inconsistent, you may consider the degree of inconsistency, and you may also consider the reasons which you find for this inconsistency as you evaluate her testimony. ‘‘[The victim’s] delay in reporting the alleged incidents is also something you may consider in assessing her credibility. You may discuss that delay, as well as anyreasonswhichyoumayfindforsuchdelayinevaluating her testimony given in court. You may not deem this evidence of out-of-court statements by the [victim] that[thedefendant]perpetratedasexualassaultagainst her as proof of the truth of what those out-of-court statements asserted. ‘‘In determining whether or not these out-of-court statements corroborate [the victim’s] testimony in court, you should consider all of the circumstances under which they were made and to whom, and . . . whether the statements made to those persons were or were not consistent with [the victim’s] testimony here in court.’’ Defense counsel did not object to this instruction. Priortosentencing,thedefendantmovedtosetaside the verdict and for a new trial. In his motion, the defendant claimed, among other things, that ‘‘the jury was atleastconfusedbythe[court’sconstancy]instruction. . . . [T]he instruction was reasonably understood by
the jury to mean that the constancy evidence in fact corroborated the [victim’s] testimony, and the jury could not reasonably distinguish between the corroborationlanguageinthechargetothejuryandtheinstruction that that constancy evidence could not be used as substantive evidence that the defendant [sexually assaulted] the [victim].’’ At the sentencing hearing, defense counsel likewise argued that the trial court’s use of the word ‘‘corroboration’’ in its instruction had sentthe wrongmessagetothe jury,ashad theprosecutor’s use of the word ‘‘corroboration’’ during closing argument. Counsel contended that the purpose of constancy testimony is to corroborate that ‘‘the complaining witness has made a complaint and the timing of that complaint, and very little more than that,’’ but that the commonly understood meaning of the word ‘‘corroborate’’ is to confirm the substance of what someone else has said, which is how the word was used in the jury charge and in the prosecutor’s closing argument. The prosecutor responded that ‘‘the court and the state acted within the established limits of the law.’’ The trial court denied the motion to set aside the verdict and for a new trial. With respect to the jury instruction, the court first observed that Connecticut precedent requires that constancy evidence be limited to the details necessary to associate the victim’s complaint with the pending charge, including the time and place of the attack and the identity of the perpetrator. Statev.Troupe,237Conn.284,304,677A.2d917(1996). The court then concluded that S’s testimony that the victim told him the defendant had sexually assaulted her multiple times when she was five or six years old andD’stestimonythatthevictimtoldherthedefendant had sexually assaulted her did not run afoul of our precedent and that the jury charge concerning this evidence was proper. With respect to the prosecutor’s closingargument,thetrialcourtdisagreedthattheprosecutor’s references to the corroborating evidence constituted prosecutorial impropriety because they ‘‘were sparse and were a marshaling of the evidence that was before the jury,’’ and the standard for prosecutorial behavior requires more egregious conduct than the prosecutor’sconductinthiscase.Onappeal,thedefendant claims that the trial court improperly instructed the jury and that this court should abandon or modify theconstancyofaccusationdoctrine,especiallyinchild sexual abuse cases. We consider each claim in turn. I Thedefendantfirstclaimsthatthetrialcourtimproperly instructed the jury regarding the correct use of constancy of accusation evidence, which is admitted under Troupeonlytoprovethatacomplaintwasmade, nottoprovethatthecomplaintwastrue.Thedefendant specifically claims that the jury instructions were improper in light of the preexisting susceptibility of
jurors to disregard the subtle distinction between constancy evidence and substantive proof, the court’s use of dense legal language from an appellate decision, and thetrialcourt’sfailuretodefinetheword‘‘corroborate.’’ The state responds that it is not reasonably probable that the trial court’s instructions misled the jury.8 We agree with the state that the court’s instructions accurately portrayed the law and did not mislead the jury. ‘‘Ourreviewof[ajuryinstruction]claimrequiresthat weexaminethe[trial]court’sentirechargetodetermine whether it is reasonably [probable] that the jury could have been misled . . . . While a request to charge that is relevant to the issues in a case and that accurately statestheapplicablelawmustbehonored,a[trial]court need not tailor its charge to the precise letter of such a request. . . . If a requested charge is in substance given, the [trial] court’s failure to give a charge in exact conformance with the words of the request will not constitute a ground for reversal. . . . As long as [the instructions] are correct in law, adapted to the issues and sufficient for the guidance of the jury . . . we will not view the instructions as improper. . . . Additionally, we have noted that [a]n [impropriety] in instructions in a criminal case is reversible . . . when it is shown that it is reasonably possible for [improprieties] of constitutional dimension or reasonably probable for nonconstitutional [improprieties] that the jury [was] misled.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) State v. Baltas,311Conn.786,808–809,91A.3d384(2014).Jury instructions regarding constancy of accusation testimony are nonconstitutional in nature. See, e.g., State v. Rivera, 145 Conn. App. 344, 351–53, 76 A.3d 197 (trial court’s failure to give limiting instruction as to constancy of accusation testimony was not matter of constitutional magnitude), cert. denied, 310 Conn. 962, 83 A.3d 344 (2013); State v. Wild, 43 Conn. App. 458, 467, 684 A.2d 720 (same), cert. denied, 239 Conn. 954, 688 A.2d 326 (1996). ‘‘A challenge to the validity of jury instructions presents a question of law over which [we exercise] plenary review.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) State v. Bonilla, 317 Conn. 758, 770, 120 A.3d 481 (2015). With respect to the governing legal principles, we concluded in Troupe that ‘‘a person to whom a sexual assault victim has reported the assault may testify only with respect to the fact and timing of the victim’s complaint; any testimony by the witness regarding the details surrounding the assault must be strictly limited to those necessary to associate the victim’s complaint with the pending charge, including, for example, the timeandplaceoftheattackortheidentityofthealleged perpetrator. In all other respects, our current rules remainineffect.Thus,suchevidenceisadmissibleonly to corroborate the victim’s testimony and not for substantive purposes. Before the evidence may be admitted, therefore, the victim must first have testified con
cerning the facts of the sexual assault and the identity of the person or persons to whom the incident was reported. In determining whether to permit such testimony, the trial court must balance the probative value oftheevidenceagainstanyprejudicetothedefendant.’’ (Footnote omitted.) State v. Troupe, supra, 237 Conn. 304–305. The foregoing principle is codified in § 6-11 (c) of the Connecticut Code of Evidence, which provides: ‘‘A person to whom a sexual assault victim has reported the alleged assault may testify that the allegation was made and when it was made, provided the victim has testified to the facts of the alleged assault and to the identity of the person or persons to whom the assault was reported. Any testimony by the witness about details of the assault shall be limited to those details necessary to associate the victim’s allegations with the pendingcharge.Thetestimonyofthewitnessisadmissible only to corroborate the victim’s testimony and not for substantive purposes.’’ Troupe and § 6-11 (c) of the Connecticut Code of Evidence, in turn, are the basis forstandardcriminaljuryinstruction7.2-1;seefootnote 6ofthisopinion;whichthedefenseurgedthetrialcourt to give to the jury following the court’s rejection of its original request to charge. In the present case, even considering the state’s improper suggestion during rebuttal argument that the constancy of accusation evidence supported the substance of the victim’s claim, we conclude it is not reasonably probable that the trial court’s limiting instruction on constancy evidence misled the jury. The court closely followed the language of Troupe and the Connecticut Code of Evidence when instructing that the victim’s out-of-court statements to S and D that the defendant had sexually assaulted her were admissible only ‘‘for the limitedpurpose of corroborating what the [victim] . . . has testified to in court with respect only to the fact and timing of her complaint, the time and place of the alleged sexual assaults, and the identity of the alleged perpetrator.’’ The court also instructed that thetestimonyoftheconstancywitnesses,iffoundcrediblebythejury,couldbeusedto‘‘corroborateorsupport [the victim’s] own testimony. In other words, they are a factor in your determination as to what weight and credibility you will give to [the victim’s] testimony as it pertains to the charges of sexual assault.’’ The court subsequently added that ‘‘[the victim’s] delay in reporting the alleged incidents is also something you may consider in assessing her credibility. You may discuss that delay, as well as any reason which you may find for such delay in evaluating her testimony given in court. You may not deem this evidence of out-ofcourt statements by the [victim] that [the defendant] perpetrated a sexual assault against her as proof of the truth of what those out-of-court statements asserted.’’
It is clear from these instructions that the jury was permitted to use the constancy testimony only to corroborate the fact andtiming of the victim’s out-of-court statements to the two constancy witnesses, as well as any other information necessary to associate the victim’s out-of-court statements with the pending charge. The instructionsalso madeclear that,although thejury was permitted to consider the constancy evidence in evaluating the weight and credibility of the victim’s testimony, including the reasons for her delay in reporting the abuse to the police, the evidence could not be used as proof of the substance or truthfulness of the statements themselves. ‘‘The jury is presumed, in the absence of a fair indication to the contrary, to have followed the court’s instructions.’’ State v. Parris, 219 Conn. 283, 294, 592 A.2d 943 (1991). Accordingly, we conclude that the trial court correctly instructed the jury regarding the limited purpose for which the constancy evidencecould be considered,thus minimizing the risk of undue prejudice to the defendant. We reject the defendant’s contentions that the jury instructions failed to distinguish between constancy evidenceandsubstantiveproof,incorporatedtoomuch ‘‘denselegallanguage’’andfailedtoconveythemeaning of the word ‘‘corroborate.’’ Even if we presume that juries are susceptible to confusion regarding how to use constancy evidence, the defendant has not identified any legal language in the trial court’s instruction that was not contained in the instruction defense counsel suggested in his own request to charge or in the standard criminal jury instruction he subsequently asked the court to adopt. First, with respect to the distinction between constancyevidenceandsubstantiveproof,wereiteratethat the trial court expressly cautioned the jury to use the constancytestimony‘‘forthelimitedpurposeofcorroborating what the [victim] . . . has testified to in court withrespectonlytothefactandtimingofhercomplaint, the time and place of the alleged sexual assaults, and the identity of the alleged perpetrator.’’ Shortly thereafter,thecourtadded:‘‘Youmaynotdeemthisevidence of out-of-court statements by the [victim] that [the defendant] perpetrated a sexual assault against her as proofofthetruthofwhatthoseout-of-courtstatements asserted.’’ In our view, this instruction was sufficient todistinguishbetweenconstancyevidenceandsubstantive proof. Second,thedefendant’sargumentthattheinstruction contained too much ‘‘dense legal language’’ is directly contradicted by defense counsel’s admission following the charging conference that there were only ‘‘subtle’’ differences between the court’s proposed instruction and the standard criminal jury instruction. Counsel further conceded at trial that the two instructions were ‘‘prettymuchthesame’’andthat,‘‘lookingatthegestalt
of these two instructions, it’s the subject[ive] feeling of . . . defense counsel that, because of the placement of [the] language . . . [the standard criminal jury instruction is] a little bit less prejudicial . . . .’’ (Emphasis added.) Moreover, the precise ‘‘legal’’ languageidentifiedbythedefendantasparticularlyconfusing is nearly identical to corresponding language in defense counsel’s requested charge.9 Thus, the trial court’s charge did not differ substantively from the defendant’s requested charge. Finally, the defendant’s contentionthatNewJersey’smodelinstructiononfresh complaint evidence does a ‘‘much better job’’ of explaining the limited purpose of constancy evidence intermsjurorscanreadilyunderstandisirrelevant.See generallyStatev.Hill,121N.J.150,578A.2d370(1990). AlthoughweagreewiththedefendantthatNewJersey’s model instruction is moredetailed than the trial court’s instructioninthepresentcase;seeCriminalModelJury Charges—NewJerseyCourts:FreshComplaint(revised February5,2007),availableat (last visited August 1, 2016); the defense did not ask the court to adopt the New Jersey instruction, and, even if it had, thetrialcourt’sinstructionproperlyexplainedthemanner in which the jury could use the constancy evidence under existing Connecticut law. Third,neithertheConnecticutstandardcriminaljury instruction nor our precedent suggests or requires that trialcourtsdefinetheword‘‘corroborate’’inaninstruction on constancy of accusation evidence, and defense counsel never suggested to the court at any point in the proceedings that the word should be defined. The court used the word in the same way it is used in the standard criminal jury instruction, the Connecticut Code of Evidence and, even more significantly, in the defendant’s requested instruction. See footnotes 5 and 6 of this opinion. Accordingly, we conclude that the trial court’s instruction in the present case did not mislead the jury or cause the defendant undue prejudice. We suggest, however, that, to ensure clarity in future cases in which constancy evidence is admitted, § 6-11 (c) of the Connecticut Code of Evidence and the standard criminal jury instruction on constancy of accusation evidence should be modified to conform more closely to the language used in New Jersey’s model instructiononfreshcomplaintevidence.10 TheNewJersey instruction explains that evidence of a sexual assault victim’s complaint to other persons is admissible only for the purpose of negating any inference that, because there was a delay in reporting the offense, the offense did not occur, and, therefore, such evidence maybeusedonlyin consideringwhetherthecomplaint was made, and not to corroborate the substance of the complaint or to strengthen the credibility of the victim with respect to any other issue.11 II
ThedefendantnextclaimsthattheconstancyofaccusationdoctrineisnolongerrelevantinConnecticutdue to changed societal views regarding sexual assault and itseffectonvictims,and,asaconsequence,thedoctrine should be abandoned or modified, especially in child sexual abuse cases. He specifically contends that, in the current climate of increased public awareness and understanding of child sexual abuse, the ‘‘piling on’’ of multipleconstancywitnessesisunnecessaryandoverly prejudicialtodefendants,andthatthereareotherways ofensuringfairnesstothevictimandintroducingprobativeevidence.Inthealternative,thedefendantsuggests that, if the doctrine is not abandoned, it should be limited to a victim’s first complaint or to the testimony of the complainant. The state responds that there are no cogent reasons to abandon or modify the doctrine. Itiscertainlypossiblethat,becauseofincreasedpublic awareness of the reasons for delayed reporting, manyjurorsmaynolongerharborbiasesagainstvictims who do not make timely reports that they have been sexually abused. We nonetheless agree with the state that there is no well developed body of scientific research suggesting that these long-standing biases have been entirely eliminated. We thus conclude that the constancy of accusation doctrine should continue tobeemployedinConnecticut tocounterimplicitjuror bias against victims, including children, who delay in reportingsexualabuse,butinamodifiedformintended toaddressthepotentialprejudicetodefendantscaused by the testimony of multiple constancy witnesses. We begin with a brief review of the history and purpose of the constancy of accusation doctrine in Connecticut. In Troupe, we explained that the doctrine ‘‘traces its roots to the fresh complaint rule’’; (internal quotation marks omitted) State v. Troupe, supra, 237 Conn. 294; ‘‘[t]he narrow purpose of [which] . . . was to negate any inference that because the victim had failed to tell anyone that she had been [sexually assaulted], her later assertion of [sexual assault] could not be believed.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Id., 296. We observed that, ‘‘[b]ecause juries were allowed—sometimes even instructed—to draw negative inferences from the woman’s failure to complain after an assault . . . the doctrine of fresh complaint evolved as a means of counterbalancing these negative inferences. Used in this way, the fresh complaint doctrine allowed the prosecutor to introduce, during the case-in-chief, evidence that the victim had complained soon after the [sexual assault]. Its use thereby forestalledtheinferencethatthevictim’ssilencewasinconsistent with her present formal complaint of [assault]. . . . In other words, evidence admitted under this doctrine effectively served as anticipatory rebuttal, in that the doctrine often permitted the prosecutor to bolster the credibility of the victim before her credibility had
first been attacked. . . . The fresh complaint doctrine thus constituted a rare exception to the common-law rule that prohibited rehabilitative evidence in the absenceofanattackonthe[witness’]credibility.’’(Citations omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.) Id. We further explained that, following its adoption by this court in State v. DeWolf, 8 Conn. 93, 100 (1830), the fresh complaint doctrine applied for forty-six years until it was modified in State v. Kinney, 44 Conn. 153 (1876).Statev.Troupe,supra,237Conn.297.InKinney, the court ‘‘expanded the rule to permit the state to introduce testimony concerning the details of the complaint,’’ at which time it became known as ‘‘the constancyofaccusationdoctrine.’’Id.;see Statev. Kinney, supra, 156–57. We noted that the rule as modified in Kinney allowed the state ‘‘to introduce the fact of the complaint and the details of the complaint once the victim ha[d] testified regarding the alleged sexual assault and the identity of the person or persons to whom a complaint had been made’’; State v. Troupe, supra, 284; and that, ‘‘[s]ubject to a determination by the trial court’’ that the evidence was ‘‘more probative than prejudicial, the state [could] introduce the constancy of accusation testimony of each of the persons to whom the complainant had reported the sexual assault.’’Id.,297–98.Weaddedthat‘‘thecomplaintneed not have been made promptly after the commission of the alleged offense; any delay in reporting [was] to be considered by the fact finder in evaluating the weight oftheconstancyofaccusationtestimony.’’Id.,298.This rule was applied without modification in sexual assault casesuntilitwasreexamined120yearslaterin Troupe. See id. We reiterated in Troupe that, although there was no support for an assumption that a delay in the reporting of a sexual assault casts doubt on the victim’s credibility, such a misconception still was ‘‘not uncommon.’’ Id., 301. We thus continued to acknowledge in Troupe the need to ‘‘protect against the the unwarranted, but nonethelesspersistent,viewthatasexualassaultvictim who does not report the crime cannot be trusted to testifytruthfullyabouttheincident’’;id.,303;whilealso recognizing that ‘‘a defendant has an interest in not being unreasonably burdened by such accrediting or supporting evidence, which . . . generally is not admissible in the trial of crimes other than sexual assault.’’Id.,302.Ultimately,because‘‘we[were]notyet willing to reject the constancy of accusation doctrine completely due to biases still extant in our society’’; id., 303; we modified the doctrine to allow a constancy witness to testify ‘‘only with respect to the fact and timing of the victim’s complaint; any testimony by the witness regarding the details surrounding the assault must be strictly limited to those necessary to associate the victim’s complaint with the pending charge, including, for example, the time and place of the attack or
the identity of the alleged perpetrator. In all other respects, our current rules remain in effect. Thus, such evidence is admissible only to corroborate the victim’s testimony and not for substantive purposes. Before the evidence may be admitted, therefore, the victim must first have testified concerning the facts of the sexual assault and the identity of the person or persons to whom the incident was reported. In determining whether to permit such testimony, the trial court must balance the probative valueof the evidence against any prejudice to the defendant. ‘‘In addition, the defendant is entitled to an instructionthatanydelaybythevictiminreportingtheincident is a matter for the jury to consider in evaluating the weight of the victim’s testimony.’’ (Footnotes omitted.) Id., 304–305. Twenty years have passed since our decision in Troupe. At that time, we noted that every state but California allowed the prosecution to introduce evidence in its case-in-chief of a sexual assault victim’s out-of-court complaint;12 id., 299; with the vast majority of states limiting such evidence to the fact of the complaint and excluding evidence of its details. See id., 299–300 n.14. Prior to Troupe, however, Connecticut was not one of those states but, rather, was one of five states13 thatpermittedtestimonyregardingboththefact of the complaint and its details. Id., 299–300. Thus, our decision in Troupe to exclude testimony regarding the details of a complaint brought Connecticut law in line with that of most other jurisdictions. Following Troupe, at least two states fully reexaminedtheirrulesontheadmissionofconstancyevidence in sexual assault cases and reached strikingly different conclusions.14 Mostrecently,theSupremeCourtofVermont rejected the fresh complaint doctrine and determined, without reviewing the limited scientific literature on juror attitudes toward victims in such cases, that a victim’s out-of-court complaint is admissible only under the generally applicable rules of evidence. See State v. Madigan, 122 A.3d 517, 528–30 (Vt. 2015) (rejecting fresh complaint rule as independent evidentiary doctrine on ground that it has become largelysupplantedbyordinaryrulesofevidence,including rules on admission of prior consistent statements to rebut charges of recent fabrication, evidence to establish timing or circumstances of official report, excited utterances, statements made for purposes of medical diagnosis or treatment, and out-of-court statements by children under thirteen years of age or who are putative victims of abuse, neglect, or certain sexual crimes). The Vermont court based its decision in part on its view that most jurisdictions no longer recognize the fresh complaint doctrine; id., 528; which the court characterizedasa‘‘historicartifact’’;(internalquotation marks omitted) id., 529; but ‘‘sensibly prefer to apply
the same rules of evidence in [sexual abuse] cases as in other cases.’’15 Id. Accordingly, the court did not consider any other independent rule under which to admit otherwise inadmissible evidence of out-of-court complaints by sexual assault victims. Incontrast,theSupremeJudicialCourtofMassachusetts,followinganintensivereviewofthelimitedscientific literature, determined that ordinary rules of evidence are insufficient to counter persistent juror biases against sexual assault victims who delay in reporting the assault, and, therefore, testimony regarding out-of-court complaints by victims should continue to be admitted under a special evidentiary rule. See Commonwealth v. King, 445 Mass. 217, 242–48, 834 N.E.2d1175(2005)(replacingstate’sexistingfreshcomplaintdoctrinewithfirstcomplaintdoctrineandpermitting testimony by victim and third party regarding details of complaint as well as circumstances under whichcomplaintwasmade),cert.denied,546U.S.1216, 126 S. Ct. 1433, 164 L. Ed. 2d 136 (2006).16 Significantly, the Massachusetts court recognized the continued necessity for a special evidentiary rule in this context even after acknowledging increased public awareness ofthereasonsfordelayedreportingbyvictimsofsexual assault.17 See id., 238–41. Referring to several studies on the subject, the court stated: ‘‘[Although] we have located little recent research on juror perceptions of [sexual assault] complainants, the research and scholarship of which we are aware suggests that damaging stereotypes persist. Some jurors may continue to believe incorrectly that ‘real’ victims will promptly disclose a sexual attack.18 Somejurorsmaycontinuetoharborprejudicialmisperceptions about the nature of [sexual assault] and . . . allegations [thereof], including that complainants who wear revealing clothing, consume drugs or alcohol, or have unorthodox or promiscuous lifestyles cannot be ‘real’ victims of [sexual assault]; that forced sex by a spouse or a past partner does not constitute ‘real’ [sexualassault];andthatfalseaccusationsofsexualassault are more frequent than those of other violent crimes.19 Juror biases may be particularly strong in child [sexual abuse] cases, as some may attribute allegations of sexual assault to the child’s imagination or improper adult influence. And jurors may unfairly perceive child complainants as incredible. . . . Both adults and children may delay complaining about sexual assaults but then face claims of fabrication, and the reasons for the behavior of adult and child victims of sexual assault are still widely misunderstood. . . . ‘‘While more than a decade has passed since [the court] last observed that ‘juries tend toward considerable and perhaps inordinate skepticism in [sexual assault] cases’ . . . that observation has continued vitality. Although many jurors may no longer harbor
stereotypical assumptions concerning the behavior of ‘real’ [sexual assault] victims, others may still harbor stereotypicalassumptionstotheeffectthatvictimswill immediately disclose a sexual assault and that the absence of a timely complaint suggests fabrication of the assault. There is a continued need in sexual assault casestocounterbalance oraddressinaccurateassumptions regarding stereotypes about delayed reporting of a sexual assault or about sexual assault victims in general.’’20 (Citations omitted; emphasis omitted; footnotes altered.) Id., 238–40. Although little research on the subject appears to havebeenpublishedsincethedecisionin King,atleast one recent law review article examining general juror bias against sexual assault victims has concluded, following a review of the studies cited in King and a largebodyofotherresearch,thatdamagingstereotypes continuetoexist,despitetheconsiderablemediaattention that has been devoted in recent years to sexual assaults and their impact on adult and child victims. See C. Fraser, ‘‘From ‘Ladies First’ to ‘Asking for It’: Benevolent Sexism in the Maintenance of Rape Culture,’’ 103 Cal. L. Rev. 141, 184–87 (2015) (discussing sexiststereotypes andpossibilitiesfor decreasingjuror bias in sexual assault cases). Indeed, that is precisely why Connecticut courts routinely allow the admission of expert testimony to describe the behavior patterns of children who have been sexually abused and the behaviors customarily displayed by the victims of battered woman syndrome. See, e.g., State v. Taylor G., 315 Conn. 734, 761, 110 A.3d 338 (2015) (‘‘[I]n cases that involve allegations of sexual abuse of children, we have held that expert testimony of reactions and behaviors common to victims of sexual abuse is admissible. . . . Such evidence assists a jury in its determination of the victim’s credibility by explaining the typical consequencesofthetraumaofsexualabuseonachild.’’ [Internal quotation marks omitted.]); State v. Borrelli, 227 Conn. 153, 174, 629 A.2d 1105 (1993) (expert testimony is admissible ‘‘to describe the behavior patterns typically ascribed to battered [woman] syndrome’’). We thus agree with the court in King and with the overwhelming majority of other jurisdictions that the generally applicable rules of evidence are insufficient toremedypotentialjurorbiasagainstvictimswhodelay inreportingasexualassault.AsthecourtnotedinKing, the spontaneous utterance exception to the hearsay rule allows only for the admission of statements made during or shortly after the commission of the assault, and prior inconsistent statements are allowed only to rebutchargesofrecentfabrication.SeeCommonwealth v.King,supra,445Mass.241;seealsoConn.CodeEvid. § 6-11 (a) and (b) (3) (prior consistent statements); Conn.CodeEvid.§ 8-3(2)(spontaneousutterancehearsay exception). Connecticut’s ‘‘tender years’’ hearsay exception is also of limited application, as it pertains
only to certain statements made by victims under thirteen years of age regarding physical abuse by a person who has authority or apparent authority over the child, suchasaparent,orregardingsexualabuse.Conn.Code Evid. § 8-10 (effective January 1, 2011), in 72 Conn. L.J., No. 2, pp. 237C through 238C (July 13, 2010). We therefore continue to believe that victims of sexual assault who delay in reporting the offense require protection against presumptive juror bias.21 At the same time, we conclude that the constancy of accusation doctrine articulated in Troupe should be further modifiedtoprotectdefendantsfromundueprejudicearising from the ‘‘enhanced risk that the jury may be unduly swayed by the repeated iteration of the constancy of accusation testimony.’’ State v. Troupe, supra, 237 Conn. 303. Having considered the myriad ways in which other courtshaveattemptedtobalancethesecompetinginterests, we conclude that the victim in a sexual assault case should continue to be allowed to testify on direct examination regarding ‘‘the facts of the sexual assault and the identity of the person or persons to whom the incident was reported.’’ Id., 304–305. Thereafter, if defense counsel challenges the victim’s credibility by inquiring, for example, on cross-examination as to any out-of-court complaints or delayed reporting, the state will be permitted to call constancy of accusation witnesses subject to the limitations established in Troupe, as modified in this opinion. If defense counsel does not challengethevictim’scredibilityinanyfashiononthese points, the trialcourt shall not permit thestate to introduce constancy testimony but, rather, shall instruct the jury that there are many reasons why sexual assault victims may delay in officially reporting the offense, and, to the extent the victim delayed in reporting the offense, the delay should not be considered by the jury in evaluating the victim’s credibility. We believe this modification of our present doctrine achieves a proper balance between the interests of the state and the defendant. The state will retain the ability to introduce testimony by the victim regarding outof-court complaints to other persons and the victim’s reasons for the delayed reporting. In addition, the state willbefreetointroduceexperttestimonyregardingthe traumatic effect of sexual assaults on victims generally and why sexual assault victims often fail to promptly report the offense. The state also will benefit from the trial court’s instruction that the jury is not allowed to consider a delay by the victim in reporting the offense. Defendantswilllikewisebenefitbecausetheynolonger will be required to defend against testimony by constancy witnesses unless they choose to challenge the victim’s testimony regarding any out-of-court complaints or delayed reporting. In such cases, we believe that trial courts, in the exercise of their discretion, will be able to properly balance the probative value of the
constancy testimony against its prejudicial effect. See id., 305. These modifications, like the rule articulated in Troupe, will apply to both adult and child victims of sexualassault.Inkeepingwithourprecedent,however, they will apply only prospectively to cases in which the evidentiary portion of the trial has not commenced as of the date of the release of this decision.


Finally, because our decision is based solely on policy considerations; see id.; there is no reason to order a new trial when the testimony at issue, as in the present case, has been properly admitted under our former articulation of the doctrine. See id., 305–306. The judgment is affirmed.

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