Whistleblower Law
United States of America v. Semsi Salja and Anes Suhonjic

Grand Rapids, Michigan criminal defense lawyer represented defendant charged with bank fraud.

Semsi Salja and Anes Suhonjic, the owners of Grand Rapids-based trucking company DMR Transportation (“DMR”), conspired to commit bank fraud in connection with a $290,855.00 loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”).

In 2020, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief... More...
   $0 (06-22-2022 - MI)

United States Department of Labor v. Tara Construction, Inc. and Pedro Pirez

Boston, Massachusetts civil litigation lawyers represented Defendant accused of retaliating against an employee who reported an on-the-job injury.

The U.S. Department of Labor lawsuit filed against Tara Construction Inc. and its chief executive officer, Pedro Pirez, in February 2019 following a whistleblower investigation by the department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administrat... More...
   $0 (06-22-2022 - MA)

United States of America v. James A. Sakr, M.D.

Buffalo, New York civil litigation lawyers represented Defendant accused of violating the False Claims Act by frudulently billing Medicare and Medicaid for procedures that were not medically necessary or that he did not perform.

Assistant U.S. Attorney David M. Coriell, who handled the case, stated that from at least January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2019, Dr. Sakr, an ear, nose, and thro... More...
   $602551 (06-10-2022 - NY)

United States of America v. VirtuOx, Inc.

Miami, Florida white collar criminal defense lawyers represented Defendant charged wit submitting false claims to Medicare for reimbursement.

The United States alleged that, from January 2016 to December 2020, VirtuOx violated the False Claims Act by falsely identifying the place of service for certain services it performed to obtain a higher rate of reimbursement from Medicare. In par... More...
   $0 (05-19-2022 - FL)

United States of America v. SHC Home Health Services of Florida, L.L.C.

Miami, Florida qui tam lawyers represented the United States, which sued SHC Home Health Services-Ocala, LLC., et al. on a False Claims Act whistleblower theory claiming Defendant improperly billing the Medicare Program for home health services provided to beneficiaries living in Florida.

Signature HomeNow operated home healthcare services in Florida and its corporate headquarters are lo... More...
   $2100000 (05-11-2022 - FL)

United States of America v. Prism Behavioral Solutions

San Diego, California: Prism Behavioral Solutions provides treatment to children diagnosed with autism and other related disorders through therapy called Applied Behavioral Analysis. Prism Behavioral Solutions maintains a corporate address in Woodland Hills, California, and provides medical services to patients in Southern California. The United States and the State of California alleged that Pris... More...   $0 (05-09-2022 - CA)

Melissa Chaudhry v. Springbok Health Inc. and Mark Jankelow

Denver, Colorado qui tam lawyers represented plaintiff, who sued Defendant on a false claims Act violation theory.

Springbok Health Inc., a medical clinic with locations in Colorado Springs and Pueblo West, Colorado, and Mark Jankelow, Springbok’s owner and Chief Executive Officer, have agreed to pay at least $125,000, and up to as much as $335,494, to resolve allegations they violated ... More...
   $0 (04-19-2022 - CO)

Dawn Baker v. Dr. Abraham Rivera and Physician Partners of America LLC (PPOA)

Tampa, Florida civil litigation lawyers represented Defendants charged with violating the False Claims Act.

Physician Partners of America LLC (PPOA), headquartered in Tampa, Florida, its founder, Rodolfo Gari, and its former chief medical officer, Dr. Abraham Rivera, have agreed to pay $24.5 million to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by billing federal healthca... More...
   $0 (04-12-2022 - FL)

United States of America v. True Health Diagnostics, LLC, et al.

Sherman, Texas private private lawyers represented Defendants accused of defrauding the United States of America, which sued Defendants on a False Claims Act under 31 U.S.C. 3729.

Laboratory executives and employees at True Health Diagnostics LLC (THD) and Boston Heart Diagnostics Corporation (BHD) allegedly conspired with small Texas hospitals, including Rockdale Hospital dba Little Rive... More...
   $0 (04-08-2022 - TX)

United States of America v. Dionne Huffman and OGCC Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia civil litigation lawyers represented Defendants who were accused of violating the False Claims Act.

OGCC Behavioral Health Services, Inc. (“OGCC”) and its owner and Executive Director, Dionne Huffman, have agreed to pay $750,000 to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by, among other things, billing the government for services that they did not ... More...
   $750000 (03-31-2022 - GA)

United States of America v. TriLink Saw Chain, LLC, and TriLink Global, LLC (TriLink)

Cedar Rapids, Iowa civil litigation lawyers represented defendants accused of violating the False Claims Act by misclassifying their imported chain saw chains and blades to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP).

The government specifically alleged that from September 24, 2018, though June 10, 2019, TriLink classified imported chain saw chains and blades under inappropriate subheading... More...
   $500000 (03-21-2022 - IA)

United States of America v. Kimberly Rimsza and TriMark USA, LLC

Albany, New York criminal defense lawyers represented Defendants accused of improperly manipulating federal small business set-aside contracts around the country.

TriMark USA, LLC of Mansfield, Massachusetts, and its subsidiaries, TriMark Gill Marketing and Gill Group, Inc. (collectively, TriMark), were accused of improperly manipulating federal small business set-aside contracts around t... More...
   $0 (02-24-2022 - NY)

United States of America v. Zen Solutions, Inc.

Alexandria, Virginia criminal defense lawyers represented Defendant accused of violating the False Claims Act.

Zen Solutions Inc., a Virginia-based company, has agreed to pay approximately $31,000 in damages and civil penalties to settle allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by obtaining more than one Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan in 2020. Zen Solutions also agreed to... More...
   $31000 (02-12-2022 - VA)

Kevin Burton, Mike Garyantes and Frank Taylor v. State of Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky personal injury lawyer represented Plaintiffs, who sued the State of Kentucky on civil rights whistleblower retaliation theories.

Sgts. Kevin Burton and Mike Garyantes and Lt. Frank Taylor told supervisors and a prosecutor that evidence was being taken from the Elizabethtown post property rooms and secure lots between July and November of this year for “personal gai... More...
   $900000 (02-12-2022 - KY)

United States of America v. Hunt Companis, Inc.

Wilmington, Delaware Hunt Companies, Inc. (“Hunt”), one of the largest providers of privatized military housing to the U.S. Armed Forces, has agreed to a $500,000.00 settlement with the government to resolve allegations of fraud at the Dover Air Force Base arising under the False Claims Act.

Hunt provides privatized military housing at Dover Air Force base. For its services, Hunt is... More...
   $0 (01-06-2022 - DE)

United States of America ex rel. Allen Timothy Yu v. Grifols USA, LLC, et al.

New York, New York whistleblower lawyers represented the Plaintiff, who sued Defendant on a qui tam theory claiming that Defendant defrauded the United States of America.

"Grifols is a global company that since 1909 has enhanced the health and well-being of people around the world. Our four divisions - Bioscience, Diagnostic, Hospital, and Bio Supplies - develop, produce, and market innov... More...
   $0 (01-05-2022 - NY)


Boston, MA - Constitutional Rights lawyer represented Plaintiff, Appellant with claiming his First Amendment rights were violated.

In sharing this tale, we construe the facts of the
complaint in the light most favorable to Gilbert. Ocasio–Hernández
v. Fortuño–Burset, 640 F.3d 1, 7 (1st Cir. 2011) (citing Fed. R. ... More...
   $0 (12-29-2021 - MA)

Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation d/b/a Canadian Pacific v. U.S. Department of Labor Administrative Review Board

St. Louis, MO - Federal Railroad Safety Act lawyer represented Petitioner with petitioning for review of a final decision of the Department of Labor’s Administrative Review Board (“ARB”).

At 2:00 a.m. on July 5, 2012, a unit train consisting of three locomotives and
eighty one cars loaded with ethanol arrived a... More...
   $0 (12-12-2021 - MO)

United States ex rel. Myron Jones, M.D., et al. v. Milton Hall Surgical Associates, LLC d/b/a The ENT Institute and a/k/a the Ear, Nose & Throat Institute, Jeffrey M. Gallups, M.D., et al.

Atlanta, Georgia qui tam lawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendants on False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3729) violation theories for paying illegal kickbacks.

Dr. Jeffrey M. Gallups (founder, owner, medical director and past-CEO of Milton Hall Surgical Associates (“MHSA”) a/k/a The Ear, Nose & Throat Institute) and Entellus Medical were accused of paying illegal kickbacks.

... More...
   $0 (12-12-2021 - GA)

United States of America v. Riad "Ray" Zahr, et al.

Boston, Massachusetts qui tam attorneys represented defendants accused for Riad "Ray" Zahr, a pharmacist in Dearborn, Michigan, along with two specialty pharmacies that Zahr formerly owned and operated, have agreed to pay the United States $1 million to resolve allegations that they submitted false claims for the drug Evzio. Evzio was an injectable form of naloxone hydrochloride indicated for use ... More...   $0 (12-08-2021 - MA)

United States of America, ex rel. Leanne Malone, et al. v. Carrefour Associates LLC; et al.

Cincinnati, Ohio civil litigation lawyers represented Defendant accused of violating the False Claims ACt by submitting claims to Medicare for non-covered hospice services.

Hospice care is special, end-of-life care intended to comfort terminally ill patients. Patients admitted to hospice care generally stop receiving coverage for traditional medical care designed to cure their terminal co... More...
   $0 (11-23-2021 - OH)

United States of America, ex rel Roberto Romero v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans (Archdiocese of New Orleans) has agreed to pay more than $1 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by knowingly submitting false claims for payment to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the repair or replacement of certain facilities damaged by Hurricane Katrina. The settlement, whic... More...   $0 (11-16-2021 - LA)

United States of America v. RehabAuthority, LLC

Minneapolis, MN: False Claims Act lawyers sued Defendant on behalf of the United States on a Qui Tam theory claiming that Defendant wrongfully billed for outpatient physical therapy services in violation of the False Claims Act.

RehabAuthority, LLC, a physical therapy company with operations in Minnesota, agreed to pay $4 million to resolve allegations that it submitted false claims for... More...
   $0 (10-28-2021 - MN)


New Orleans, LA - Criminal defense lawyer represented Plaintiff-Appellee with s engaging in activity protected by the First Amendment when he testified before a grand jury investigating corruption in the constable’s department charge.

In early 1997, Aurelio Castillo, the newly-elected Constable
of Precinct 6 of Dall... More...
   $0 (10-22-2021 - LA)

United States of America v. Jae Y. Lee and Northwest Physicians Laboratory (NWPL)

Seattle, WA: The United States of America claimed that Jae Lee and Northestern Physicians Laboratory violated the False Claims Act by engaging in a kick-back scheme.

Jae Lee, 50, of Bellevue, Washington, served as the CEO of Northwest Physicians Laboratory (NWPL) from January 1, 2013, until July 30, 2015. Lee agreed to pay $500,000 within 30 days of the settlement agreement, with additi... More...
   $1100000 (10-18-2021 - WA)

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