Connecticut Divorce Law

Kathryn A. Briggs v. David L. Briggs

Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut divorce lawyers represented the Plaintiff and Defendant in a dissolution action.

The parties were married in 2007 and have four minor children born issue of the marriage. The plaintiff commenced this action for dissolution on June 3, 2020.

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   $0 (08-20-2024 - CT)

Kathryn A. Briggs v. David L. Briggs

Stamford- Norwalk, Connecticut family law lawyer represented the Plaintiff and Defendant in a divorce.

The parties were married in 2007 and have four minor children born issue of the marriage. The plaintiff commenced this action for dissolution on June 3, 2020.

By way of a memorandum of decision filed on November 9, 2022, following a trial at which both parties and ... More...
   $0 (08-20-2024 - CT)

Michael Porter a/k/a Michael Antonio Porter v. State of Mississippi

New Haven, Connecticut criminal defense lawyer represented the Defendant with moving for judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) or, in the alternative, a new trial

The trial court sentenced Moates to life imprisonment and a $1... More...
   $0 (06-12-2024 - CT)

Lisa Bioty v. Stephen Bioty

New Haven, Connecticut family law lawyers represented the parties in a divorce action.

This action for dissolution of marriage went to judgment on December 7th, 2017, the agreement of the parties was incorporated into the judgment #103/103.1). Before the court are Plaintiff’s postjudgment motions ##114 and 114.20, for modification of alimony and support, #114.30, contempt citation,... More...
   $0 (01-15-2020 - CT)

Jon-Jay Tilsen v. Miriam E. Benson

New Haven, Connecticut family law lawyers represented the parties in a divorce action.

The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the trial court dissolving Plaintiff's marriage to Defendant, holding that Plaintiff was not entitled to relief on his allegations of error. At issue in this case was the extent to which a Connecticut court may enforce the terms of a "ketubah," a contract ... More...
   $0 (08-01-2023 - CT)

F.S. v. J.S.

Hartford, Connecticut family law lawyers represented the parties seeking a divorce.

Action for the dissolution of a marriage, and for other relief, brought to the Superior Court in the judicial district of Hartford, where the court, Prestley, J., accepted the parties' stipulation to bifurcate the trial as to the issue of custody; thereafter, the case was tried to the court, Prestley,... More...
   $0 (02-20-2024 - CT)

Esther Wethington v. Joshua Wethington

Fairfield, Connecticut family law represented Plaintiff and Defendant in a divorce action.

Action for the dissolution of a marriage, and for other relief, brought to the Superior Court in the judicial district of Fairfield, where the plaintiff filed motions for contempt; thereafter the case was tried to the court, Egan, J.; judgment dissolving the marriage and granting certain other relie... More...
   $0 (02-13-2024 - CT)


The defendant, J.M.F., appeals from the judgment of conviction of attempt to commit murder in violation of General Statutes §§ 53a-49 (a) (2) and 53a-54a (a), assault in the first degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-59 (a) (1), and risk of injury to a child in violation of General Statutes § 53-21 (a) (1). On appeal, the defendant raises the following seven claims:(1)thetrialcourtabusedi... More...    $0 (01-03-2017 - CT)


.Thedefendantappealsfromthejudgment ofconviction,renderedafteratrialbeforeathreejudge court(panel),ofmurderinviolationofGeneralStatutes § 53a-54a (a) and tampering with evidence in violation of General Statutes § 53a-155 (a). On appeal, the defendant claims that the panel improperly concluded that hehadfailedtoprovehisaffirmativedefenseofextreme emotional disturbance by a fair preponderance of the... More...    $0 (05-07-2016 - CT)


Thedefendant,RalphB.,appealsfrom the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, ofattempttocommitassaultinthefirstdegreeinviolation of General Statutes §§ 53a-49 and 53a-59 (a) (1), unlawful restraint in the first degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-95 (a), strangulation in the second degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-64bb (a), and risk of injury to a child in viola... More...    $0 (04-24-2016 - CT)


This certified appeal addresses the scope of the marital communications privilege codified in General Statutes § 54-84b.1 The defendant, Sheila Davalloo, was convicted, after a jury trial, of murder in violation of General Statutes § 53a-54a. The defendant appeals from the judgment of the Appellate Court affirmingthatconvictionafterconcludingthatherstatements to her husband, Paul Christos, did not... More...    $0 (04-16-2016 - CT)


Thedefendant,ErynGilligan,appealsfrom the judgment of conviction, rendered following a jury trial,ofoperatingamotorvehiclewhileundertheinfluence of alcohol or drugs or both in violation of General Statutes§ 14-227a(a)(1).Thedefendantclaimsthatthe trial court erred by (1) admitting into evidence expert testimonyregardingthequantitativeresultsofherurine test and (2) finding that she was a second off... More...    $0 (03-28-2016 - CT)


The defendant, Daniel B., appeals from the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, of attempt to commit murder in violation of General Statutes §§ 53a-49 and 53a-54a. On appeal, the defendant claims that (1) the evidence was insufficient to support his conviction, (2) the trial court unduly restricted his access to certain information regarding a confidential informant who testified ... More...    $0 (03-28-2016 - CT)

State Of Connecticut v. Ralph B.

.Thedefendant,RalphB.,appealsfrom the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, ofattempttocommitassaultinthefirstdegreeinviolation of General Statutes §§ 53a-49 and 53a-59 (a) (1), unlawful restraint in the first degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-95 (a), strangulation in the second degree in violation of General Statutes § 53a-64bb (a), and risk of injury to a child in viol... More...    $0 (01-19-2016 - CT)

State Of Connecticut v. Davaloo

This certified appeal addresses the scope of the marital communications privilege codified in General Statutes § 54-84b.1 The defendant, Sheila Davalloo, was convicted, after a jury trial, of murder in violation of General Statutes § 53a-54a. The defendant appeals from the judgment of the Appellate Court affirmingthatconvictionafterconcludingthatherstatements to her husband, Paul Christos, did not... More...    $0 (01-01-2016 - CT)

Tavani v. Riley

The plaintiff, Michael Tavani, appeals from the judgment of the trial court dismissing his action for adeclaratory judgment. On appeal,the plaintiff claims that the court improperly dismissed his action, sua sponte, on the ground that his case was not justiciable.1 We agree, and reverse the judgment of the trial court. The following facts and procedural history are relevant to the plaintiff’s clai... More...    $0 (10-19-2015 - CT)

Mary Margaret Farren v. John Michael Farren

Mary Margaret Farren, age 47, sued John Michael Farren, age 60, on a civil assault and battery theory claiming that he brutally bludgeoned her in their New Canaan, Connecticut mansion in 2010.

Plaintiff claimed that John Farren wanted to kill her because she filed for divorce and would not withdraw the papers.

Defendant default.

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   $28600000 (12-18-2013 - CT)

Georgina Spilke v. Joseph M. Wicklow, III

The self-represented plaintiff, Georgina Spilke, appeals from the judgment of the trial court awarding her $30,003 against the defendant, her former husband, Kenneth Spilke, and $1 in nominal damages against the defendant Jennifer Ballard1 on her vexatious litigation claim. The defendants cross appeal from the judgment rendered against them. The vexatious litigation action stemmed from a motion fo... More...    $0 (09-24-2012 - CT)

One Country, LLC v. Michael Johnson

In this action to enforce written guarantee agreements, the plaintiff Scott Porter1 appeals from the judgment, rendered after a court trial, in favor of the defendants Michael Johnson and Peter Pratley.2 On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the trial court improperly determined that the guarantees were not enforceable against the defendants because the plaintiff failed to demonstrate that he had s... More...    $0 (09-16-2012 - CT)

Mark C. Langley v. Oxana V. Langley

The plaintiff, Mark C. Langley, appeals from the judgment of the trial court rendered in connection with the underlying dissolution action in which the trial court entered several financial orders.1 The plaintiff claims that the trial court, in fashioning its financial orders, improperly (1) considered the entire length of the parties’ relationship, rather than the length of the marriage at issu... More...    $0 (08-21-2012 - CT)

Felicia Pierot Brody v. Cary Brody

The defendant, Cary Brody, appeals from judgments of the trial court rendered in connection with the underlying dissolution action awarding to the plaintiff, Felicia Pierot Brody, a $2.5 million lump sum alimony payment and granting the plaintiff’s two postjudgment motions for contempt. The defendant claims that the trial court improperly (1) rendered its judgment dissolving the parties’ marri... More...    $0 (07-17-2012 - CT)

Regin Canty v. Kathleen J. Otto

The defendant, Kathleen J. Otto, appeals1 from the judgment of the trial court granting the application of the plaintiff, Regina Canty, administratrix of the estate of Shamaia Smith, for a prejudgment remedy. On appeal, the defendant contends that the plaintiff, who is a creditor of her debtor spouse, Kenneth Otto, Sr. (Otto), cannot collect the debt from the defendant, a nondebtor spouse, by brin... More...    $0 (05-01-2012 - CT)

Robert L. Peterson v. Laurie Sykes-Peterson

The plaintiff, Robert L. Peterson, appeals following the dissolution of his marriage to the defendant, Laurie Sykes-Peterson, from the trial court’s prejudgment determination that the parties’ prenuptial agreement had expired during the pendency of the dissolution action pursuant to a provision rendering the agreement void on the seventh anniversary of the parties’ marriage (sunset provision... More...    $0 (02-16-2012 - CT)

Eric Fischer v. Richard Zollino

This case raises the question of whether the putative father of a child, upon learning that he was deceived by his wife, the child’s mother, and the child’s biological father as to the child’s paternity, is estopped from recovering from the biological father funds that the putative father expended to raise the child while believing her to be his offspring. The plaintiff, Eric Fischer, appeal... More...    $0 (02-07-2012 - CT)

Robert Grimm v. John Wayne Fox

The plaintiff, Robert Grimm, appeals1 from the trial court’s grant of a motion for judgment in favor of the defendants, John Wayne Fox and Curtis, Brinckerhoff and Barrett, P.C., in this legal malpractice action. On appeal, the plaintiff claims that the trial court improperly: (1) granted the defendants’ motion for judgment, determining that the critical statements concerning the defendants ma... More...    $0 (01-10-2012 - CT)

Georgia Cottrell v. Richard Cottrell

The defendant, Richard Cottrell, appeals from the judgment of the trial court dissolving his marriage to the plaintiff, Georgia Cottrell. The defendant claims that the court improperly (1) found that the marital estate included four properties that the parties did not own at the time of the dissolution and (2) determined that he fraudulently conveyed his interest in several properties that otherwi... More...    $0 (01-09-2012 - CT)

Stephen J. Bruno v. Lisa Bruno

These appeals arise out of two postjudgment orders related to the judgment of dissolution of the parties’ marriage on March 17, 2008. In the cross appeal by the defendant, Lisa Bruno, from the trial court’s ruling on the motion by the plaintiff, Stephen J. Bruno, to modify his alimony obligations, AC 30879, the defendant claims that the court improperly (1) modified the plaintiff’s alimony o... More...    $0 (11-27-2011 - CT)

Denise E. Brown v. William A. Brown

The plaintiff-mother, Denise E. Brown, appeals from two separate orders of the trial court regarding modifications to pendente lite visitation orders. In her appeal of the trial court’s May 18, 2010 order (first appeal), the mother claims that the court abused its discretion by improperly (1) utilizing a ‘‘future best interests’’ standard in awarding increased visitation to the defendant... More...    $0 (11-07-2011 - CT)

Caroline Hirschfeld v. Robert B. Machinist

These two appeals arise out of various postjudgment proceedings stemming from the parties’ dissolution of marriage.1 In AC 31500, the plaintiff, Caroline Hirschfeld, claims that the trial court improperly (1) concluded that swimming pool expenses were ‘‘shelter expenses’’ in accordance with the parties’ separation agreement, (2) entered a postjudgment order dividing assets when it attr... More...    $0 (09-12-2011 - CT)

Brady Dougan v. Tomoko Hamada Dougan

In this certified appeal,1 the plaintiff, Brady Dougan, appeals from the judgment of the Appellate Court reversing the judgment of the trial court that invalidated a financial order included in the stipulated judgment dissolving his marriage to the defendant, Tomoko Hamada Dougan. Dougan v. Dougan, 114 Conn. App. 379, 380–83, 970 A.2d 743 (2009). On appeal to this court, the plaintiff claims tha... More...    $0 (07-05-2011 - CT)

Suzanne E. Bubrosky v. Harrison A. Bubrosky

The defendant, Harrison A. Bubrosky, appeals from the judgment of the trial court dissolving his marriage to the plaintiff, Suzanne E. Bubrosky, and entering related financial orders. Over the defendant’s objection, the plaintiff moves to dismiss the defendant’s appeal as amended, claiming that the defendant’s behavior demonstrates a pattern of contemptuous conduct in deliberate defiance of ... More...    $0 (06-07-2011 - CT)

Deborah Bedrick v. Bruce L. Bedrick

This appeal involves a dissolution of marriage action in which the defendant, Bruce L. Bedrick, seeks to enforce a postnuptial agreement.1 Today we are presented for the first time with the issue of whether a postnuptial agreement is valid and enforceable in Connecticut.

The defendant appeals from the trial court’s judgment in favor of the plaintiff, Deborah Bedrick. The defendant claims ... More...
   $0 (04-26-2011 - CT)

Leyla Mirjavadi v. Anthony Vakilzadeh

The plaintiff, Leyla Mirjavadi,1 appeals from the judgment of the trial court, rendered after a trial to the court, in favor of the defendant, Maria Varone. The plaintiff claims that the trial court made erroneous factual findings in determining that the defendant was not negligent when the plaintiff’s daughter, Saba Fabriz (Saba), was abducted by the daughter’s father during a visit supervise... More...    $0 (04-21-2011 - CT)

Deborah Bedrick v. Bruce L. Bedrick

This appeal involves a dissolution of marriage action in which the defendant, Bruce L. Bedrick, seeks to enforce a postnuptial agreement.1 Today we are presented for the first time with the issue of whether a postnuptial agreement is valid and enforceable in Connecticut.

The defendant appeals from the trial court’s judgment in favor of the plaintiff, Deborah Bedrick. The defendant claim... More...
   $0 (04-20-2011 - CT)

Richard Shenkman-Tyler v. Central Mutual Insurance Company

In this consolidated appeal, the plaintiff, Richard Shenkman-Tyler appeals from the judgments of the trial court granting the motions filed by the defendants Central Mutual Insurance Company (Central Mutual) and Nancy P. Tyler,1 to dismiss his declaratory judgment action (declaratory judgment action) and his related action (contract action), in which he brought claims for breach of contract, breac... More...    $0 (02-18-2011 - CT)

Linda Mae Behrns v. Ronald Wayne Behrns

Before us is the third appeal arising out of a separation agreement of the parties, the plaintiff, Linda Mae Behrns, and the defendant, Ronald Wayne Behrns, which, at their request, had been incorporated into their decree of dissolution. This most recent appeal arises from the judgment of the trial court, finding that the defendant was in wilful contempt of the original court order requiring him t... More...    $0 (11-09-2010 - CT)

Kristen Kovalsick v. Jeffrey Kovalsick

The plaintiff, Kristen Kovalsick,1 appeals from the judgment of the trial court dissolving her marriage to the defendant, Jeffrey Kovalsick, claiming that the trial court abused its discretion when it failed to award her alimony and any of the parties’ assets, yet held her responsible for the bulk of the marital debt. Because we conclude that the court abused its discretion in failing to award t... More...    $0 (11-30-2010 - CT)

Celia Zahringer v. George J. Zahringer III

The defendant, George J. Zahringer III, appeals from the judgment of the trial court modifying the unallocated alimony and child support awarded to the plaintiff, Celia Zahringer, at the time of the dissolution of the marriage of the parties. The defendant claims that the court erred by (1) finding that payments from the plaintiff’s father, Eugene Goldberg, were loans, (2) not taking these payme... More...    $0 (11-02-2010 - CT)

Lucille Nappo v. Merrill Lynch Credit Corporation

The plaintiff, Lucille J. Nappo, appeals from the judgment of the trial court upholding the validity of a mortgage on her residential property in Avon held by the defendant, Merrill Lynch Credit Corporation.

The plaintiff claims that the mortgage should be discharged because the evidence presented at trial failed to establish that she owed the defendant a debt.

We disagree and af... More...
   $0 (09-01-2010 - CT)

Edward A. Lehan v. Jane E. Lehan

The defendant, Jane E. Lehan, appeals from the judgment of the trial court rendered following the granting of a motion for contempt and a motion for modification filed by the plaintiff, Edward A. Lehan, Jr.

On appeal, the defendant claims that the court improperly (1) found the defendant in contempt for failure to pay child support, (2) modified the child support order when the plaintiff’... More...
   $0 (02-08-2010 - CT)

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