Connecticut Employment Law

Kathryn A. Briggs v. David L. Briggs

Stamford- Norwalk, Connecticut family law lawyer represented the Plaintiff and Defendant in a divorce.

The parties were married in 2007 and have four minor children born issue of the marriage. The plaintiff commenced this action for dissolution on June 3, 2020.

By way of a memorandum of decision filed on November 9, 2022, following a trial at which both parties and ... More...
   $0 (08-20-2024 - CT)

Susan Pellechio v. BlueTrion Brands, Inc.

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued on a job discrimination theory under 32 U.S.C. 2000e.

It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer—
(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privilege... More...
   $1 (07-08-2024 - CT)

Cavil Carter v. Sentech Services, Inc.

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights law lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued on a employment discrimination theory.

... More...
   $0 (07-08-2024 - CT)

James P. Beddington v. United States of America

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued on a job discrimination theory.

42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq., makes it unlawful for a private employer or a state or local government “to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discrimi- nate against any individual with respec... More...
   $1 (06-13-2024 - CT)

Clifford Perkins v. Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued the Defendant on a job discrmination theory.

"Job discrimination civil rights law is the body of law that protects employees and job applicants from discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), na... More...
   $0 (09-29-2023 - CT)

Janina Stevens v. Global Atlantic Financial Company

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented the Plaintiff who sued the Defendant on a job discrimination theory.

"Job discrimination civil rights law is the body of law that protects employees and job applicants from discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), n... More...
   $0 (09-29-2023 - CT)

Kimberly A. Negron v. Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, et al.

New Haven, Connecticut employment law lawyers represented Plaintiff who sued Defendants on a wrongful failure to pay E.R.I.S.A. benefits.

This was a putative class action involving allegations that defendant Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company ("Cigna") fraudulently schemed to overcharge millions of people for prescription drugs in violation of the terms of their health plans. We are ... More...
   $0 (08-22-2023 - CT)

Pekah Wallace v. Cheryl Sharp, et al.

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendants on an employment discrimination theory.

Plaintiff Pekah Wallace (“plaintiff”) brings this action against defendants Cheryl Sharp (“Sharp”) and Tanya Hughes (“Hughes”) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “defendants”) pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1983, alleging that defendants deni... More...
   $0 (08-16-2023 - CT)

Lisa Miro v. City of Bridgeport, et al.

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyers represented Plaintiff who sued defendants on a Job Discrimination (Employment) theory.

Job discrimination is illegal in the United States. There are a number of federal laws that protect workers from discrimination in employment, including:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: This law prohibits discrimination on the basis of... More...
   $1 (08-11-2023 - CT)

Sheila Greenstein v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company

New Haven, Connecticut employment law lawyers represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a wrongful denail of E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits.

"The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established retirement and health plans in private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans.

... More...
   $0 (08-11-2023 - CT)

United States of America v. Olajuwon Harrington, a/k/a "O.J. Harrington"

New Haven, Connecticut criminal defense lawyer represented Defendant charged with fraud offense related to his theft of pandemic unemployment benefits.

In March 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) was signed into law. The CARES Act created a new temporary federal unemployment insurance program for pandemic unemployment assistance (“Pandemic Un... More...
   $0 (05-12-2023 - CT)

Coralisa Lewis v. First Unum Life Insurance Company of America

New Haven, Connecticut employment law lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits theory.

Plaintiff Coralisa Lewis (“plaintiff” or “Lewis”) has brought this action pursuant to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), 29 U.S.C. §1132. See Doc. #1 at 3. Plaintiff seeks judicial review of the denial by First Unum Life Insura... More...
   $0 (03-30-2023 - CT)

Makram L. Bishara, Sr. v. R & K Spero Company, LLC

New Have, Connetcuit criminal defense lawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendant on civil right job discrimination theory claiming that he was discriminated against because of his age.

Federal Courthouse - New Haven, Connecticut

Fede... More...    $1 (02-14-2023 - CT)

Juma Jones v. Scott Sansom, Mack Hawkins and Town of East Hartford

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendants on employment discrimination theories.

MoreLaw Legal News For New Haven

Juma Jones sued Chief of Police Scott Sansom, D... More...
   $0 (01-27-2023 - CT)

United States of America v. Career Training Specialists, L.L.C. d/b/a Stone Academy and Mark Scheinberg

New Haven, Connecticut civil litigation lawyer represented Defendant accused of violating the False Claims Act.

Career Training Specialists, LLC, doing business as Stone Academy, and its owner, Mark Scheinberg, agreed to paid more than $1 million to resolve allegations that they violated the federal False Claims Act by concealing a series of money order payments made by Scheinberg to prev... More...
   $0 (05-27-2022 - CT)

Shyanne Van Allen v. Career Training Specialists, LLC, d/b/a Stone Academy

New Haven, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff, who sued Defendant on an Americans with Disabilities Act violation theory pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1201, which provides, in part:

The Congress finds that—

(1) physical or mental disabilities in no way diminish a person's right to fully participate in all aspects of society, yet many people with physical or mental di... More...
   $0 (04-16-2022 - CT)

United States of America v. Career Training Specialists, LLC, d/b/a Stone Academy

New Haven, Connecticut qui tam lawyers represented the United United States, which sued Defendant on a False Claims Act Violation theory.

CAREER TRAINING SPECIALISTS, LLC, doing business as STONE ACADEMY, and its owner, MARK SCHEINBERG, paid more than $1 million to resolve allegations that they violated the federal False Claims Act by concealing a series of money order payments made by Sc... More...
   $0 (05-27-2022 - CT)

United States of America v. Kathryn Pocock

New Haven, CT: Criminal defense lawyer represented defendant charged with tax evasion.

Since 1991, Kathryn Pocock, agte 58, has operated Sunshine Cleaners, LLC, a home cleaning business. Between 2015 and 2019, Pocock withdrew approximately $855,000 from the business and failed to report those proceeds on the relevant tax forms for the business and on her federal income tax returns. The ... More...
   $0 (09-11-2021 - CT)

United States of America v. Chaim Stern

New Haven, Connecticut embezzlement and tax law violation charge criminal defense lawyer represented Defendant, Chaim Stern, age 72, of Flushing, New York, who was embezzlement and tax offenses related to his operation of nursing homes in Bridgeport and Waterbury.

Stern was the principal operator of the Bridgeport Health Care Center (“BHCC”), Bridgeport Manor, and the Rosegarden Heal... More...
   $0 (04-22-2021 - CT)

William Marshall, Jr. v. Kimberly L. Marsahll

The defendant, whose marriage to the plaintiff previously had been dis-solved, appealed to this court from the judgment of the trial court,claiming, inter alia, that the trial court erred when it went beyond the scope of this court’s remand order in a prior appeal involving the parties when construing their separation agreement, which had been incorporated into the dissolution judgment, and calc... More...    $0 (01-02-2018 - CT)

Donald Chapman v. Ring's End, Inc.

New Haven, Connecticut - Employment law lawyer represented plaintiff, Donald Chapman, who sued Ring's End, Inc. on a Family & Medical Leave Act theory.... More...    $0 (12-12-2020 - CT)

Juliann Gurge v. Wheels of CT, Inc.

New Have, Connecticut civil rights lawyer represented plaintiff, Juliann Gurge, who sued Wheels of Ct., inc. on an employment discrimination theory.... More...    $0 (12-12-2020 - CT)

Rachel Bentley v. AutoZoners, L.L.C.

In this diversity action, plaintiff Rachel Bentley sues her former
employer AutoZoners, LLC, and related company AutoZone
Northeast LLC, for sex discrimination, retaliation, and a sex hostile
work environment in violation of the Connecticut Fair Employment
Practi... More...
   $0 (08-21-2019 - CT)

John Mara v. Stephen Rilling, Edward Nook, Frederick Hine

On interlocutory appeal from an order denying summary
judgment entered in the United States District Court for the District
of Connecticut (Chatigny, J.), defendants contend that they are
entitled to qualified immunity from plaintiffs suit charging them
with violatin... More...
   $0 (04-10-2019 - CT)

United States of America v. Rezart Rakaj and Kliton Rakaj

New Haven, CT - New Haven Property Owners Who Illegally Removed Asbestos are Sentenced

REZART RAKAJ, 35, of Ansonia, and KLITON RAKAJ, 39, of Monroe, were sentenced in New Haven federal court for offenses related to the illegal and dangerous removal of asbestos at a New Have... More...
   $0 (04-01-2019 - CT)

Donna L. Soto v. Bushmaster Firearms International, LLC, et al.

On December 14, 2012, twenty year old
Adam Lanza forced his way into Sandy Hook Elemen-
tary School in Newtown and, during the course of 264
seconds, fatally shot twenty first grade children and six
staff members, and wounded two other staff members.
Lanza carried... More...
   $0 (03-15-2019 - CT)

Salvatore Cappetta v. Commissioners of Social Security Administration

2 In 2009, an anonymous tipster reported to the Social Security
3 Administration (SSA) that petitioner Salvatore Cappetta was working
4 and earning substantial sums while receiving Social Security
5 di... More...
   $0 (09-23-2018 - CT)

United States of America v. Mark J. Aito

District of Connecticut Federal Courthouse - New Haven, Connecticut

New Haven, CT- Shelton Resident Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison for Defrauding Owner of Stamford Ice Skating Rink

Mark J. Zito, 55, of Shelton, was sentenced today by Chief U.S. District Judge Janet C. Hall in New Haven to 21 months of imprisonment, followed by three years of supervised release, for defrauding the owner of a Stamford ice skating facility that he managed.

Accordi... More...
   $0 (08-21-2018 - CT)

United States of America v. Jared Dylan Sparks

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Hartford, CT - Electrical Engineer Found Guilty for Intending to Convert Trade Secrets from Defense Contractor

A federal jury in Hartford, Connecticut on July l9, 2010 returned guilty verdicts against a man for his conduct related to a scheme to convert trade secrets belonging to a defense contractor based in Groton, Connecticut, related to, among others, an innovative naval prototype bei... More...
   $0 (07-10-2018 - ct)

Peter Ernsky v. Coca-Cola Refreshments USA, Inc.

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New Haven, CT - Peter Ernsky sued Coca-Cola Refreshments USA, Inc. on an employment discrimination.

03/16/2018 31 RESPONSE TO by Peter Ernsky filed by Peter Ernsky. (McMinn, Michael) (Entered: 03/16/2018)
03/16/2018 32 NOTICE by Coca-Cola Refreshments USA, Inc. re 27 Order,,,, Statement re Order to Show Cause (Curtin, Matthew) (Entered: 03/16/2018)
04/04/2018 33 ORDER. The Cour... More...
   $0 (04-04-2018 - CT)

Mr. P. and Mrs. P v. West Hartford Board of Education, et al.

District of Connecticut Federal Courthouse - New Haven, Connecticut

The plaintiffs‐appellants, Mr. and Mrs. P. (the parents), commenced this
action in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut
(Bryant, J.) on behalf of themselves and their son, M.P., against the
defendants‐appellees, the West Hartford Board of Education (the District or
the Board) and two District officials in their official capacities,2 all... More...
   $0 (04-02-2018 - CT)


Defendant‐Appellant Aldric Bordeaux (Bordeaux) appeals theDistrictCourtsjudgmentconvictinghimofonecountofunlawful possessionofafirearminviolationof18U.S.C.922(g)(1)1andof 1Itshallbeunlawfulforanyperson...whohasbeenconvictedinany courtof[]acrimepunishablebyimprisonmentforatermexceedin... More...    $0 (03-28-2018 - CT)


Supreme Court of New Jersey

On September 30, 2011, Halton filed three separate complaints, alleging that Burkert committed the petty disorderly persons offense of harassment on January 8, 9, and 11, 2011, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4(c).1 A three-day trial was held in
1 A petty disorderly persons offense is punishable by up to thirty days in jail. N.J.S.A. 2C:43-8.
the Elizabeth ... More...
   $0 (12-21-2017 - CT)


Sex Offender

MoreLaw Suites - Legal Suites and Virtual Offices - Downtown Tulsa-- Best Places In Downtown Tulsa To Practice Law

Following a conditional plea of nolo contendere, entered pursuant to General Statutes 5494a,1 the defendant, Marcelo Cervantes, appeals from the judgment of conviction o... More...    $0 (03-27-2017 - CT)


The defendant, Keith Chemlen, appeals from the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, of forgery in the second degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-139 (a) (3), and larceny in the third degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-124 (a) (2). The defendant subsequently pleaded guilty to being a persistent serious felony offender in violation of General Statutes 53a-40 (c... More...    $0 (05-23-2016 - CT)


This appeal requires us to consider the continuing vitality of the presumption of prejudice injurytamperingcasesarticulated bytheUnitedStates Supreme Court in Remmer v. United States, 347 U.S. 227, 74 S. Ct. 450, 98 L. Ed. 654 (1954) (Remmer I), which is a question that has divided state and federal courts for more than thirty years in the wake of Smith v. Phillips, 455 U.S. 209, 102 S. Ct. 940, ... More...    $0 (04-12-2016 - CT)


The defendant, Daniel B., appeals from the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, of attempt to commit murder in violation of General Statutes 53a-49 and 53a-54a. On appeal, the defendant claims that (1) the evidence was insufficient to support his conviction, (2) the trial court unduly restricted his access to certain information regarding a confidential informant who testified ... More...    $0 (03-28-2016 - CT)


The defendant, Lorenzo Adams, appeals from the judgment of conviction, rendered following a trial to the court, of attempt to commit larceny in the sixth degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-491 and53a-125b2 andbreachofpeaceintheseconddegree in violation of General Statutes 53a-181.3 On appeal, thedefendantclaimsthatthestateadducedinsufficient evidence to sustain his conviction of both... More...    $0 (03-22-2016 - CT)

United States of America v. Frank Biancur, Jr.

Former East Haven Zoning Official Who Solicited and Received Payments from Residents is Sentenced

Deirdre M. Daly, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, today announced that FRANK BIANCUR, JR., 41, of West Haven, was sentenced yesterday by U.S. District Judge Victor A. Bolden in Bridgeport to 30 days of incarceration in a halfway house, followed by two years of supervise... More...
   $0 (03-10-2016 - CT)


This direct appeal,following an inquiry into allegations of juror misconduct, comes to us almost sixteen years after the defendant, Ruben Roman, was convicted of murder in violation of General Statutes (Rev. to 1997) 53a-54a, assault in the first degree in violation of General Statutes 53a-59 (a) (1), criminal possession of a pistol in violation of General Statutes (Rev. to 1997) 53a-217c (a... More...    $0 (02-08-2016 - CT)

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